Sidan uppdaterad 2015-09-09


Excellence Scholarship is sponsored by Stiftelsen Jönköpings Borgarekassa och Bjuggska Fonden and it is awarded to students based upon excellent academic achievements.

The amount per student is 25 000 SEK.

The scholarship is granted every semester. You do not need to apply for it, but to be eligible you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Swedish citizen or have a permanent residence permit in Sweden.
- Be registered in Jönköpings kommun since the start of your studies at   JIBS.
- Be a full time student registered in a JIBS programme within Business Administration, with focus on entrepreneurship, marketing and/or management. It could be within civilekonom, bachelor or master programmes.
- Have accepted your study abroad place to one of JIBS partner universities.
- Must study abroad in the host country of the partner university. The scholarship is not awarded for online/virtual exchange studies.
- Have not previously been granted the Excellence Scholarship.
- The scholarship can not be combined with Erasmus+ scholarship for studies abroad.

The students granted with the scholarship will be contacted by the International Relations Office at the earliest 2 months before the start of the exchange semester.