Step 2: How to apply
Ready to apply for your exchange semester? Information given under step 2 will help you through the application process at JU.
The application is done online in the Mobility Online System, MOA, from December 2021. An link will be sent to all applicants and the information about our partner universities can be found in the MOA Portal External link, opens in new window.. If you know which university you want to apply to, the application will only take a few minutes. If you still are unsure, it is better you collect more information about the universities suitable for your programme - see step no. 1.
The online application in MOA
You first submit your application, then receive a confirmation email including a link to your application which you can update until the deadline.
You can chose up to 10 alternatives and you can add and remove universities as much as you like until the deadline. Make sure to rank your choices and choose your no 1 university as first in the list. We recommend you choose only those universities you would like to study at and are prepared to accept the place to.
Applying with a friend
It is not possible to apply together with another student.
Applications must be completed by the given deadline.
All grades must be registered in Ladok by the deadline. Any documents required to complete an application must be turned in by the deadline for each selection.
To make sure you have done everything that you should for this step, please see the checklist for step 2.