Content updated 2019-06-19

Double Degree Programme

The bachelor programmes in International Management and Marketing Management have the option to study abroad at a certain partner university and obtain a Double Degree. When completed students will obtain a degree both from JIBS and from the partner university.

International Management

Major changes in the programme. Students starting at Kedge fall 2024 and earlier will follow the old structure and students starting the first semester at Kedge in spring 2025 will follow the new structure.

New Double degree programme with Kedge from spring 2025 and onwards

Study semester 4 and 5 at Kedge. It is mandatory to do an internship between semester 4 and 5. You then study semester 6 at JIBS and do the Bachelor Thesis at JIBS.


Double degree course package:

Semester 4: Applied Financial Case Studies + Madatory assignment, Corporate Strategy, Globalized Human Resource Management, International Marketing, Supply Chain Management, French as a Foreign Language or Wine Business in Bordeaux.

Semester 5: Business Simulation, Strategic and Business Diagnostic + one of the specialization tracks of your choice;

  • International Business
  • Management & negotiation Strategies
  • Marketing
  • Wine Business & Sustainability

Course changes may occur.


Mandatory internship: The internship is 3 months and done in connection with Kedge, who provide more information. The internship must align with the student's field of study and can be conducted in France or another approved country. The student is responsible for finding the internship.


Kedge accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB, PRME, AMBA


Deadline to apply in JU online application: 15th of September


JIBS special course requirements semester 3:

To be able to get admitted to the double degree programme and obtain the double degrees, JIBS students need to follow a special study path at JIBS, study certain courses at JIBS during semester 3.

  • Research Methods
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics


JIBS application requirements: Results from Year 1, maximum 60 credits. Minimum 48 credits at the time of application.


Kedge degree requirements: JIBS studies 4 semesters, completed Double degree studies at Kedge as well as Sulitest (test on Sustainability) and Language test scores TOEIC 750 or TOEFL IBT 75 or equivalent (IELTS 5,5, Cambridge CERFA B2 level).


Erasmus scholarship for studies: Possible to apply for the Erasmus scholarship for studies. Note, since the internship is done in connection with Kedge it is not possible to apply for an Erasmus+ grant for traineeship through JIBS/JU. You won't have a registration on an internship course at JIBS.


"Old" Double degree programme - Last group Fall 2024 + Fall 2025-spring 2026 follow this structure

Study semester 5 and an additional year (semester 7 and 8) at KEDGE Business School and obtain the degree Bachelor of Commerce from KEDGE. During semester 7 students have the possibility to choose between internship or study specialization courses at KEDGE.

Participating students should not apply for the JIBS degree certificate until the Double degree studies at Kedge are completed!

Double degree course package:

Semester 5: Sales Techniques, Enterprise & Leadership, Sustainability and resilience issues for organization, Management Information systems, HR & Team management, Elective French Language.

Semester 7: Internship (4 months) or Kedge Bachelor specialization: Business Simulation, Strategic and Business Diagnostic, Elective French Language, and one choice of five tracks:
a) Marketing
b) Supply Chain
c) Wine Business and Sustainability
d) Management and Negotiation Strategies

Semester 8: Applied Financial Case Studies, Management applied to Regional Industries, International Marketing, Cross Cultural Management, Globalized HR, Corporate Strategy, Supply Chain management, Elective French language.
(Reservation for updates.)

The internship: The internship is done in connection with Kedge, who then provide detailed information about requirements.

Kedge accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB, PRME, AMBA

JIBS requirements: Results from Year 1+ A1 (August-October), maximum 75 credits. Minimum 60 credits out of 75 credits at the time of application.

Kedge degree requirements: JIBS studies 5 semesters, Completed Double degree studies at Kedge as well as Sulitest (test on Sustainability) and Language test scores TOEIC 750 or TOEFL IBT 75 or equivalent (IELTS 5,5, Cambridge CERFA B2 level).

Erasmus scholarship for studies: Possible to apply for the Erasmus scholarship for studies (not traineeship). Note, all the studies/internship must take place within Europe, Sweden excluded to be able to obtain the Erasmus scholarship.

Marketing Management

Study semester 5 and 6 at IQS and an internship during the summer and then obtain the degree Bachelor in International Marketing. Students do their Bachelor thesis at IQS.

Double degree course package: International Experience Yearly, Strategic Marketing, Marketing B2B, Principles of Digital Marketing, Introduction to Web Design, Strategic Digital Communication, Digital Analytics, New Electronic Marketing Devices (Elective during fall semester), Consumer Behaviour (Elective during spring semester), Final Project Dissertation, Internship. (Reservation for updates.)

The internship: The internship is done in connection with IQS, who then provide detailed information about requirements. Make sure to set up an agreement between the company and IQS. During the internship you need to purchase a private health insurance. Students are not registered on an internship course at JIBS.

IQS accreditations: AACSB

Deadline to apply in JU online application: November 15

JIBS requirements: Results from Year 1+ A1 (August-October), maximum 75 credits. Minimum 60 credits out of 75 credits at the time of application.

Requirements to obtain the degree from IQS: Completed courses within the double degree programme including the internship and 120 ECTS at JIBS at the Marketing Management programme.
Note! IQS requires all students to pay the administrative fee of approx. 300 euro to issue the degree certificate.

Erasmus scholarship for studies: Possible to apply for the Erasmus scholarship.

Courses at the partner university

Students participting in the double degree programme study a fixed package of courses at the partner university to be able to obtain the degrees. These courses are decided by JIBS and the partner university.

How to apply

The application to JIBS double degree programme consists of the following parts:

  1. Application in JU online application, open specific dates.
    The following documents needs to be uploaded in the application:
    - A motivation letter which indicates why you would benefit from the double degree programme.
    - A CV. Description of other relevant merits that reflect your personal characteristics and strategic contributions to JIBS student environment, JIBS development and/or societal development.
  2. Applicants will also be called for an interview.
  3. Study Abroad points are not included in the application to the Double degree. Write about your engagements in your CV.

Students will receive an email with the results of the selection process. Students who receive an offer of a double degree place need to accept the place in MOA and then apply to the partner university. Double degree students follow the same process as regular exchange hereafter.


Students who pay tuition for their study programme at JIBS, pay tuition to JIBS also during all the semesters within the double degree programme. Tuition at the host institution is waived.

Recorded presentations

Double degree

Erasmus scholarship for studies

Students may apply for the Erasmus scholarship for studies.

Information about the scholarship