Content updated 2019-03-13

Be a JU ambassador

The possibilities for exchange studies are based on balance between incoming and outgoing exchange students between each partner university. It is important to promote exchange studies at Jönköping University and Jönköping International Business School among the students at the partner university in order to inspire them to come here on exchange.

It is compulsory for all outbound exchange students to make a presentation at the partner university. It could be different marketing activities such as, a fair, presentation in a class room, or writing an article for a newsletter.

Upon arrival to the partner university, check on how this can be organized. And also remember, you are an ambassador for Jönköping University and Jönköping International Business School, both at the university and on your leisure time.

Information materials

If you need any information materials like posters or brochures, contact International Relations at Jönköping University. If you want to receive an information package please let us know to which address at your partner university to deliver and before which date you need the packages.

Swedish Institute web site - has information material and presentations about Sweden.

Presentation material for Jönköping International Business School can be found on Intapps.