Content updated 2014-04-02

School of Engineering

Avslutning vid Tekniska Högskolan, studenter på campusZoom image

Graduation day 2024. Click to enlarge the image.

Completion ceremony for the students at the School of Engineering.

Each year, about 500 students graduate from the School of Engineering. We celebrate this with a Final Thesis Fair (Xjobbsmässan) and a completion ceremony.

The Completion ceremony for 2025 will be held on 28 May at Jönköping Konsert & Kongress (Elmia). More information about the completion ceremony will be available soon. All students who wish to attend the ceremony need to register. Registration will open shortly.


27 May - Xjobbsmässan

13:00-15:30 Xjobbsmässan and scholarship ceremony in Campus Arena.

28 May - Completion ceremony

There will be two completion ceremonies, one at 11:30 and one at 15:00. Please note that times are still preliminary and may be subject to change. A more detailed schedule will be available shortly.

Group 1:

AI Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing, Product Design, Production Engineering and Management, Supply Chain Operations Management,
Sustainable Building Information Management, Civilingenjör i Industriell produktframtagning, Cybersecurity, User Experience Design, Industriell organisation och ekonomi: Logistik och ledning, Industriell organisation och ekonomi: Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Grafisk design och webbutveckling (New Media Design), Produktveckling med möbeldesign

08:00 Programme-specific activities distribution of scarves followed by class photo shoot and transport to Elmia

10:00 Gathering and briefing at Elmia

10:45 Doors open for relatives/guests

11:30 Completion ceremony. The ceremony lasts about 1,5 hours. During the ceremony, all classes will go up on stage in turn. This will be followed by speeches from JTH's Dean and HI TECH's President. HI EDUCATION will award the Teacher of the Year prize, and the scholarship winners from the Final Thesis Fair, Xjobbsmässan will be announced by JTH and Science Park. NOTE that there will be photography and filming during the ceremony.


Group 2:

Byggnadsteknik: Byggnadsutformning med arkitektur, Byggnadsteknik: Husbyggnadsteknik/Väg- och vatten, Datateknik: Inbyggda system, Datateknik: Mjukvaruutveckling och mobila plattformar, Maskinteknik: Industriell ekonomi och produktionsledning, Maskinteknik: Produktutveckling och design, Nätverk, infrastruktur och cybersäkerhet, Ljusdesign

11:30 Programme-specific activities distribution of scarves followed by class photo shoot and transport to Elmia

13:30 Gathering and briefing at Elmia

14:15 Doors open for relatives/guests

15:00 Completion ceremony. The ceremony lasts about 1,5 hours. During the ceremony, all classes will go up on stage in turn. This will be followed by speeches from JTH's Dean and HI TECH's President. HI EDUCATION will award the Teacher of the Year prize, and the scholarship winners from the Final Thesis Fair, Xjobbsmässan will be announced by JTH and Science Park. NOTE that there will be photography and filming during the ceremony.


HI TECH arranges a graduation party, more information will be available on HI TECH event's Instagram External link, opens in new window..

Graduation Day Q&A

All students who are registered on their last semester can participate on the graduation day.

Yes, family and friends are warmly welcome to attend both the Xjobbsmässan and the Completion Ceremony. For the completion ceremony, a ticket is required for entry. All graduating students will be offered to collect two tickets per person free of charge. If there are tickets left after the last collection date, it may be possible to get extra tickets. More information will be available shortly.

No, the scarf is a gift from JTH.

There is no official dress code for the graduation day, but most students choose a smart casual look.

Remember to dress for the weather as we are outdoors.

The diploma handed out on the graduation day holds only a symbolic value, it is not your official degree certificate. Even if you have not passed all courses by the graduation day you will still get the diploma. But once you have passed all courses you need to apply for your degree certificate.

Degree certificate

Once your courses are all registered in Ladok you can apply for you degree certificate.

Join the JTH alumni network

Join the JTH alumni network by adding School of Engineering, Jönköping University External link, opens in new window. in your education section on LinkedIn.

Photos from the Graduation Day 2024

Photo: Hilma Nyström & Sebastian Olving

If you have questions regarding the graduation day, please contact


If you wish to buy a photograph from a previous graduation day, contact Kindboms Fotoateljé.