School of Education and Communication

Every year, around 500 students complete their higher education programme at the School of Education and Communication. We celebrate this by inviting all graduating students to a closing ceremony.
Closing ceremony June 5 2025
Grundlärare Fritidshem, Grundlärare F-3, Grundlärare 4-6, Ämneslärarprogrammet 7-9, Ämneslärarprogrammet gymnasieskolan, Internationellt arbete - inriktning Globala studier, Human Resources, Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapliga programmet samt Masterprogrammen GlobalS, LeaDS, Interventions in Childhood och Sustainable Communication, VAL and KPU.
Place: Hammarskjöldsalen, Elmia
Time: The ceremony starts at 11.00 and lasts for about 1 hour.
Registration: Opens April 14
Welcome as an HLK alumnus!
Do you have questions about the completion ceremony?
Contact Coordinator
Sofia Wärnbring Bark
Once you have graduated, you have the opportunity to get involved as an alumnus. Read more here