
Culture on Campus - The Moniker

In Sweden there is a saying that a loved child has many names. Daniel Karlsson also known as The Moniker or Plastic Messiah started his music career when he participated in the TV show Idol in 2007.

After a few albums and a third place 2011 in the Swedish song contest “Melodifestivalen”, The Moniker, who originates from Norrahammar, is now a well-known name in Sweden.

The music career continues to move forward, not least through his alias Plastic Messiah with interpretations of a selection of songs from Eminem's catalog. The artist's name is inspired by Robert Broberg's "Song to a Plastic Messiah". Daniel is now up to date with tribute concerts to the artist Robert Broberg who passed away 2015.

Daniel is also a songwriter for other artists such as Shirley Clamp. Now it’s time for another mark in his career as he appears on Culture on Campus on December 5th.

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