Arbereshe Ibrahimi, Nursing Programme, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland (In English)
Hi! My name is Arbereshe Ibrahimi and I am now in the last semester of my nursing-program. I recently came back from Glasgow, where I had my exchange semester, and I cannot be happier about my choice I made to study abroad. The reasons why I wanted to apply for an exchange semester are many. Since I am a very outgoing, social and open-minded person I’ve always had the idea in the back of my mind to study abroad sometime in my life. The thought of getting an opportunity to travel to a foreign country, experience a new culture and meet people from all around the world seemed very much appealing to me. My goal in life is to always strive and grow as a person.

Ballycastle, Scotland
When I arrived in Glasgow and met my responsible person I was informed that the 3 modules I had applied for were not running and so had to choose 3 new modules. These new modules were ‘’ developing values based nursing practice’’, ‘’working in professional teams’’ and ‘’social work and the lived experience’’. The last mentioned module did not include in the nursing program, but I read it as an extra module. I never experienced problems with the quality of my modules. If I ever had any questions I could always turn to the module-leaders/teachers/classmates. I was not allocated placement (internship) and I never really got a clear reason for that.
Speaking from personal experience I did not get much information about my modules, module registration or timetable when I had arrived in Glasgow. It took a couple of weeks until everything came into order. There were enough staff-members
placed around the university with the purpose of helping students in need.

On the top of Britain’s highest mountain ’’Ben Nevis’’, Scotland
I had the benefit to get a room in the student accommodation with 1 minute walk from the university. I shared kitchen and toilette with 5 other people. The best thing living in the student accommodation was to be surrounded by other students (and many exchange students of course!). The rent was a bit higher than expected and so were the overall prices in the city. But then, I lived in Glasgow, which is the biggest city in Scotland. There were of course cheaper alternatives for food and clothes if you just do some research!

For those students who are considering doing an exchange semester I would advise you to just go for it. It is definitely once in a lifetime and you don’t want to be the one in the future thinking ‘’I should have done it’’. A semester passes by very quickly because it takes around 2 months to just settle down and get to know people. By that time you will have half of the semester left where you want to make the most out of it. Say yes to opportunities when you are abroad. Try things you have never tried before, whether it is food, drinks or experiences, it will make you grow as a person. You will forever have a special bond to that country you do an exchange in; to not even mention the bond to the people you meet there. It is a beautiful thing that students from all around the world come together in one city for the same purpose, to then travel back to their home countries. I personally met friends for life as we became each other’s family members in Glasgow. We have already talked about having a reunion this year!