Following process
Information and checklist for students who are selected for a MFS scholarship, what to do next:
Before departure
1. Accept your awarded scholarship
- Sign the MFS-Agreement that you receive from MFS coordinator and send back.
- You receive the documents: MFS Decision and Student certificate (in English).
- The payment of scholarship will be made to your bank account after your signed agreement reaches MFS coordinator.
2. Preparation meeting and material
- Mandatory preparation meeting (health, safety etc) at JU prior departure.
- Access to the preparation material.
- Prepare yourself by learning about the country you will visit, political system, the culture and customs etc.
- Stay in contact with your contact person abroad, ask about if any research permissions or other permissions are needed, check also about safety recommendations.
3. Book airline ticket
- Book your turn and return ticket (cancellation insurance is recommended).
- Be aware of the MFS time requirement, 8 weeks - 56 days!
- Send your travelling documents/itinerary to MFS coordinator.
- The insurance certificates is issued for you when the travelling documents have been handed in to the MFS coordinator. Please do this latest three weeks before your departure in order to issue the insurance certificate.
4. Insurance
- All MFS students will be insured by JU, insurance Student OUT provided by Kammarkollegiet.
- Read the scope and conditions.
- Certificate is issued by JU.
5. Travel recommendations
- Check regularly the current travel recommendations for your country at Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD)
External link, opens in new window.
- Download the app UD Resklar and get updates before and during your stay abroad.
- JU must ensure that project participants are informed about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD) travel information before and during travelling.
- If necessary, consult your question/s with the relevant foreign authority.
6. Safety
- The safety status in the country you are going to might change.
- If the UD travel information contains a refusal to reside in a country or country area or states that "only necessary travel should occur" ("avrådan från onödiga resor" in Swedish), project participants cannot travel to/stay in the country/country area. This is superior to the condition of coherent field study time of eight weeks.
- Register your stay abroad at the "Svensklistan"
External link, opens in new window. provided by the Embassy of Sweden. The contact information may be used by UD / Embassy, if needed, to quickly contact you if a consular crisis would affect the country in which you are located.
- Prepare yourself by reading the JU Emergency information
7. Health tips
- Vaccinations, check 1177 Care Guide
External link, opens in new window. The page also contains health advice for different regions, including information on how to reduce risks during the journey.
- Student health care
External link, opens in new window. at JU is also available for you if you have questions concerning your studies and your health.
- If you need prescription of medications, consult this with your doctor before departure.
- If you are taking medicine:
- remember to check that the medicines are allowed in the country you are going to
- bring with your medical prescription confirming that the medicine is yours and that it is for private use - Check where closest doctor or hospital is where you will stay abroad.
8. Research permit
- Some countries require research permit for a study like MFS. In this case, the contact person in the host country should inform you about that.
- Check this in advance so you can start your field study straight away.
9. Ethical Guidelines
- Project participants have an obligation to, at any time, take into account the ethical guidelines for international employment issued by the Government Offices .
Ethical guidelines for international service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Pdf, 4.6 MB.
10. Passport and Visa
- Make sure that your passport is valid during the entire stay and 6 months after returning home.
- Check the website of the embassy for visa information and contact the embassy if there are detailed questions about the visa.
11. Ready for your MFS adventure!
During your stay
1. Save your boarding cards
- You have to submit your boarding cards to JU MFS coordinator, electronically by e-mail. It is OK to take a picture of boarding cards.
- If you have one or more stopovers, save boarding passes for the total trip.
2. Keep contact
- Keep you updated about the safety situation in the host country.
- Keep contact with your JU-supervisor and contact person in the host country and remember to inform them (including MFS coordinator/International Office) if something unexpected happens.
3. Social media
- Since you are awarded MFS scholarship, you are encouraged to inspire others to take the opportunity to apply for MFS. Help Jönköping University to spread information about the MFS program on social media! We might also ask you to take over the intagram account for a week.
- Sign a photo agreement
Pdf, 24.2 kB. allowing us to use your pictures/videos in promotions purposes. Send it back to MFS coordinator.
4. Emergency situation
After you return home 2025
1. Submit your boarding cards to MFS coordinator
10th of May 2025 at the latest!
2. Hand in your reports (mandatory!)
- Participant report (MFS)
- JU Evaluation
You will receive an email from MFS coordinator about the report and evaluation at the end of your field study. Hand in by 10th of May 2025 at the latest!
3. Book a debriefing meeting with MFS coordinator (optional)
After you have done both MFS report and JU evaluation you are welcome to book a time for a debriefing meeting with MFS coordinator.
4. Finalize the thesis
You finalize the thesis resport and opposition according to the course and supervisor's instructions.
Remember to share the report with your contact person abroad.
MFS time requirement
The period abroad is minimum of 8 weeks, i.e. 56 days!
How to count?
Your MFS starts with the day you leave Sweden (day 1) untill the day you leave your host country (final day). If you are abroad less than 8 weeks, then you are liable for repayment of the scholarship!
For MFS during spring 2025, you must be back in Sweden April 30, 2025.
For MFS during spring 2026 you must be back in Sweden May 1, 2026.
Save your boarding cards!
Report deadline
Bording cards must be handed in to the MFS coordinator as well as Participant report and JU evaluation!
May 10, 2025 (field study spring 2025)
June 10, 2026 (field study spring 2026)
Follow UD's travel recommendations!
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD)
External link, opens in new window.
- "Svensklistan"
External link, opens in new window.
- JU Emergency information