
Events in English
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MMTC Breakfast meeting

2 november - 2 november

08:30 - 09:30

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>Information and updates for members of MMTC</p>
2 november - 2 november
08:30 - 09:30


Online - contact for zoom link


MMTC Breakfast meeting

Information and updates for members of MMTC

Arrangör: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

CeFEO Research Seminar

2 november - 2 november

12:00 - 13:00

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>CeFEO Research Seminar</p>
2 november - 2 november
12:00 - 13:00


Online - contact for zoom link


CeFEO Research Seminar

CeFEO Research Seminar

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

CeFEO Research Seminar - Kristin Sabel

2 november - 2 november

12:00 - 13:00


<p>CeFEO Guest Kristin Sabel,&nbsp;PhD Student at Mid Sweden University will present a seminar titled:&nbsp;&ldquo;Competence Supply Strategies in Rural Family-owned SMEs&rdquo;</p><p>Monday, 2nd November</p><p>12.00 &ndash; 13.00</p><p>via Zoom Link only: <a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo">https</a><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo">://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo</a></p>
2 november - 2 november
12:00 - 13:00




CeFEO Research Seminar - Kristin Sabel

CeFEO Guest Kristin Sabel, PhD Student at Mid Sweden University will present a seminar titled: “Competence Supply Strategies in Rural Family-owned SMEs”

Monday, 2nd November

12.00 – 13.00

via Zoom Link only: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance presented by Mattias Nordnin

2 november - 2 november

12:10 - 12:55


<p><strong>Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&nbsp;</strong><em>presented by&nbsp;</em>Mattias Nordin from Uppsala University</p><p>Title will be presented soon...</p><p><strong>Date:&nbsp;</strong>Monday, November 2<br /><strong>Time:&nbsp;</strong>12:10-12:55<br /><strong>Room:&nbsp;</strong><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121</a><br />Fix Meeting-ID: 637 381 251 21</p><p>(or in B5002)</p><p>Have a look at the&nbsp;seminar&nbsp;program for A2&nbsp;<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/yti8wc3796ml3vs/Schedule_BrownBag_2020A2.pdf?dl=0">here</a>.</p>
2 november - 2 november
12:10 - 12:55




Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance presented by Mattias Nordnin

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance presented by Mattias Nordin from Uppsala University

Title will be presented soon...

Date: Monday, November 2
Time: 12:10-12:55
Room: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121
Fix Meeting-ID: 637 381 251 21

(or in B5002)

Have a look at the seminar program for A2 here.

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

Spikning - Jorge Santos

3 november - 3 november

09:30 - 10:00

Entré JTH

<p>Jorge Santos, doktorand i Material och tillverkningsprocesser, spikar sin doktorsavhandling tisdagen den 3 november. Spikningen &auml;ger rum i JTHs entr&eacute; och alla &auml;r v&auml;lkomna att n&auml;rvara vid ceremonin. D&auml;refter bjuder vi&nbsp;p&aring; kaffe och individuellt f&ouml;rpackat tilltugg.<br /><br />Att spika sin avhandling&nbsp;&auml;r en gammal tradition som inneb&auml;r att avhandlingen offentligg&ouml;rs och att inga &auml;ndringar l&auml;ngre f&aring;r g&ouml;ras.&nbsp;</p><p>Jorge Santos avhandling har titeln&nbsp;<em>Semi-Solid Al-7Si-Mg Castings - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties</em>. Jorge f&ouml;rsvarar sin avhandling fredagen den 27 november, kl 13.00 i E1405 (Gjuterisalen).</p><p>V&auml;lkommen!</p>
3 november - 3 november
09:30 - 10:00


Entré JTH


Spikning - Jorge Santos

Jorge Santos, doktorand i Material och tillverkningsprocesser, spikar sin doktorsavhandling tisdagen den 3 november. Spikningen äger rum i JTHs entré och alla är välkomna att närvara vid ceremonin. Därefter bjuder vi på kaffe och individuellt förpackat tilltugg.

Att spika sin avhandling är en gammal tradition som innebär att avhandlingen offentliggörs och att inga ändringar längre får göras. 

Jorge Santos avhandling har titeln Semi-Solid Al-7Si-Mg Castings - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties. Jorge försvarar sin avhandling fredagen den 27 november, kl 13.00 i E1405 (Gjuterisalen).


Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

Digital workshop - Job hunting and networking

3 november - 3 november

15:00 - 16:00

Zoom- meeting

<p>Job-hunting and general information about how to approach the Swedish labour market.&nbsp;</p><p>Tuesday November&nbsp; 3rd 3-4 pm</p><p>A link to the Zoom-meeting will be sent out to registered participants</p><p><strong>Registration is done at <a href="https://ju.jobteaser.com">https://ju.jobteaser.com</a>&nbsp;</strong>(you create an account with your JU-student email and after that log in and sign up to the event)</p>
3 november - 3 november
15:00 - 16:00


Zoom- meeting


Digital workshop - Job hunting and networking

Job-hunting and general information about how to approach the Swedish labour market. 

Tuesday November  3rd 3-4 pm

A link to the Zoom-meeting will be sent out to registered participants

Registration is done at https://ju.jobteaser.com (you create an account with your JU-student email and after that log in and sign up to the event)

Arrangör: Career Center

Digital workshop - Write a winning job application

4 november - 4 november

15:00 - 16:00

Zoom- meeting

<p>Information about CV &amp; Cover letters, do&acute;s and don&acute;ts!</p><p>Wednesday November 4th 13th 3-4 pm<br />A link to the Zoom-meeting will be sent out to registered participants.</p><p><strong>Registration is done at <a href="https://ju.jobteaser.com">https://ju.jobteaser.com</a>&nbsp;</strong>(you create an account with your JU-student email and after that log in and sign up to the event)</p>
4 november - 4 november
15:00 - 16:00


Zoom- meeting


Digital workshop - Write a winning job application

Information about CV & Cover letters, do´s and don´ts!

Wednesday November 4th 13th 3-4 pm
A link to the Zoom-meeting will be sent out to registered participants.

Registration is done at https://ju.jobteaser.com (you create an account with your JU-student email and after that log in and sign up to the event)

Arrangör: Career Center

Digital workshop - Surviving the job interview

5 november - 5 november

15:00 - 16:00

Zoom- meeting

<p>Information about common interview questions and how you should prepare yourself to land your dream position.<br />Thursday November 5th 3-4 pm</p><p>A link to the Zoom-meeting will be sent out to registered participants</p><p><strong>Registration is done at <a href="https://ju.jobteaser.com">https://ju.jobteaser.com</a>&nbsp;</strong>(you create an account with your JU-student email and after that log in and sign up to the event)</p>
5 november - 5 november
15:00 - 16:00


Zoom- meeting


Digital workshop - Surviving the job interview

Information about common interview questions and how you should prepare yourself to land your dream position.
Thursday November 5th 3-4 pm

A link to the Zoom-meeting will be sent out to registered participants

Registration is done at https://ju.jobteaser.com (you create an account with your JU-student email and after that log in and sign up to the event)

Arrangör: Career Center

CeFEO Extra Research Seminar - Marcela Ramirez Pasillas, Lucia Naldi and Hans Westlund

9 november - 9 november

12:00 - 13:00

B6046 or via zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo

<p>Professor <strong>Lucia Naldi </strong>and Assistant Professor <strong>Marcela Ramirez Pasillas </strong>from JIBS and Professor <strong>Hans Westlund</strong> from KTH Royal Institute of Technology will hold a CeFEO research seminar titled <strong>&ldquo;TRADING PLACES: ENTREPRENEURS AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL IN SUPPORTING RURAL VENTURING&rdquo;</strong></p><p>Monday, 9th November</p><p>12.00 &ndash; 13.00</p><p><strong>B6046 or via zoom link - </strong><strong><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo">https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo</a></strong><strong> </strong></p><p>Welcome!</p>
9 november - 9 november
12:00 - 13:00


B6046 or via zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo


CeFEO Extra Research Seminar - Marcela Ramirez Pasillas, Lucia Naldi and Hans Westlund

Professor Lucia Naldi and Assistant Professor Marcela Ramirez Pasillas from JIBS and Professor Hans Westlund from KTH Royal Institute of Technology will hold a CeFEO research seminar titled “TRADING PLACES: ENTREPRENEURS AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL IN SUPPORTING RURAL VENTURING”

Monday, 9th November

12.00 – 13.00

B6046 or via zoom link - https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo


Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

Jönköping University Sustainability Network - Quaterly Breakfast

10 november - 10 november

08:30 - 10:00


<p>Join the JU Sustainability Network at their quarterly breakfast meeting to find out more about the latest projects and to engage in sustainability activities.</p><p>JU Sustainability Network Board &amp; JU Sustainability Network Consultative Team welcome all JU employees and students to our digital quaterly breakfast.</p><p>08:30 Welcome</p><p>08:35 JUSN 2020 achievements and words of gratitude</p><p>09:00 JUSN Next Steps - Brainstorming Session</p><p>09: 35 <strong>Special Guest Speaker:&nbsp;</strong>Dr. Katia Vladimirova - Universit&eacute; de Gen&egrave;ve. &quot;Sustainable Fashion Consumption&quot;</p><p>10:00 Closing&nbsp;</p><p>JOIN US ON ZOOM: <a href="http://JU-SE.ZOOM.US/J/63949429173">JU-SE.ZOOM.US/J/63949429173</a></p>
10 november - 10 november
08:30 - 10:00




Jönköping University Sustainability Network - Quaterly Breakfast

Join the JU Sustainability Network at their quarterly breakfast meeting to find out more about the latest projects and to engage in sustainability activities.

JU Sustainability Network Board & JU Sustainability Network Consultative Team welcome all JU employees and students to our digital quaterly breakfast.

08:30 Welcome

08:35 JUSN 2020 achievements and words of gratitude

09:00 JUSN Next Steps - Brainstorming Session

09: 35 Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Katia Vladimirova - Université de Genève. "Sustainable Fashion Consumption"

10:00 Closing 


Arrangör: Jönköping University

Perspektiv på undervisning i skuggan av en pandemi

10 november - 10 november

13:00 - 16:00


<p>F&ouml;r fj&auml;rde &aring;ret v&auml;lkomnar vi till konferensen Forskningsbaserad undervisning - teori och praktik i samverkan. Temat f&ouml;r &aring;rets konferens &auml;r:&nbsp;Perspektiv p&aring; undervisning i skuggan av en pandemi. Konferensen &auml;r kostnadsfri och genomf&ouml;rs digitalt. L&auml;s mer p&aring;&nbsp;<a href="https://ju.se/forskningsbaseradundervisning">https://ju.se/forskningsbaseradundervisning</a></p>
10 november - 10 november
13:00 - 16:00




Perspektiv på undervisning i skuggan av en pandemi

För fjärde året välkomnar vi till konferensen Forskningsbaserad undervisning - teori och praktik i samverkan. Temat för årets konferens är: Perspektiv på undervisning i skuggan av en pandemi. Konferensen är kostnadsfri och genomförs digitalt. Läs mer på https://ju.se/forskningsbaseradundervisning

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

MMTC Research Seminar presented by Henry Lopez-Vega

11 november - 11 november

12:00 - 13:00

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>MMTC Research Seminar presented by Henry Lopez-Vega &quot;In the midst of every crisis, lies a change: Subsidiary identity and role changes during a local economic crisis&quot;</p>
11 november - 11 november
12:00 - 13:00


Online - contact for zoom link


MMTC Research Seminar presented by Henry Lopez-Vega

MMTC Research Seminar presented by Henry Lopez-Vega "In the midst of every crisis, lies a change: Subsidiary identity and role changes during a local economic crisis"

Arrangör: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

EUFBC Seminar - Katerina Vasilevska

11 november - 11 november

12:00 - 13:00


<p>Katerina Vasilevska,&nbsp;Doctoral Student&nbsp;at&nbsp;the Centre for Young and Family Enterprise (CYFE), University of Bergamo, will present the paper entitled &ldquo;Work-family Initiatives and Innovation in Family and non-Family SMEs: Time to Explore the Missing Links?&ldquo;. The paper is co-authored byTommaso Minola and Mara Brumana.</p><p><strong>November&nbsp;11,&nbsp;12:00-13:00<em>&nbsp;</em>CET</strong></p><p>Link:&nbsp;<a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fju-se.zoom.us%2Fj%2F68855796991&amp;data=04%7C01%7CIngrid.Aronsson%40ju.se%7C1d48d686823649f0f89b08d884beea2d%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637405302852337373%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=yGFj29Jg2nXxYxHjrV5FaTHJfyFl9DsaF2g6Sh33OO8%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68855796991</a></p><p>Abstract:&nbsp;The work-family initiatives are being adopted by organizations for a number of reasons and as such, they have been attracting the attention of the companies as well as that of the academia since few decades now. The work-family initiatives have been associated with a wide range of effects both on employees and on organizations, such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work motivation as well as improved performance, decreased personnel turnover or improved shareholder returns. By offering work-family initiatives, companies show care towards their employees and their non-work concerns and are motivating them to participate more actively and more creatively in the work activities. However, what recent works highlight is that the link between WFI and broader entrepreneurial outcomes (such as, innovation, patenting or coping with technological discontinuities), has received scant attention. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the degree of engagement in work-family initiatives and innovation performance in SMEs. Additionally, we explore whether and how family SMEs behave differently from non-family SMEs and the role of a number of family business contingencies, within the family SMEs subsample. Based on survey-based data from manufacturing SMEs in the Bergamo region, we find that overall, the relationship between work-family initiatives and innovation performance is positive. However, when considering family SMEs and some of their peculiarities (including: the degree of family involvement in ownership, management and governance; the coincidence between family and firm name; the family developmental dimension and generational involvement of family members) more nuanced results offer contribution to theory and research of family business, as well as practice.</p>
11 november - 11 november
12:00 - 13:00




EUFBC Seminar - Katerina Vasilevska

Katerina Vasilevska, Doctoral Student at the Centre for Young and Family Enterprise (CYFE), University of Bergamo, will present the paper entitled “Work-family Initiatives and Innovation in Family and non-Family SMEs: Time to Explore the Missing Links?“. The paper is co-authored byTommaso Minola and Mara Brumana.

November 11, 12:00-13:00 CET

Link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68855796991

Abstract: The work-family initiatives are being adopted by organizations for a number of reasons and as such, they have been attracting the attention of the companies as well as that of the academia since few decades now. The work-family initiatives have been associated with a wide range of effects both on employees and on organizations, such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work motivation as well as improved performance, decreased personnel turnover or improved shareholder returns. By offering work-family initiatives, companies show care towards their employees and their non-work concerns and are motivating them to participate more actively and more creatively in the work activities. However, what recent works highlight is that the link between WFI and broader entrepreneurial outcomes (such as, innovation, patenting or coping with technological discontinuities), has received scant attention. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the degree of engagement in work-family initiatives and innovation performance in SMEs. Additionally, we explore whether and how family SMEs behave differently from non-family SMEs and the role of a number of family business contingencies, within the family SMEs subsample. Based on survey-based data from manufacturing SMEs in the Bergamo region, we find that overall, the relationship between work-family initiatives and innovation performance is positive. However, when considering family SMEs and some of their peculiarities (including: the degree of family involvement in ownership, management and governance; the coincidence between family and firm name; the family developmental dimension and generational involvement of family members) more nuanced results offer contribution to theory and research of family business, as well as practice.

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

An alumnus story - Mia Wang, international student working in Sweden - ONLINE

12 november - 12 november

12:00 - 13:00

Zoom- meeting

<p><strong><em>Due to public restrictions in J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping, this presentation will be held on Zoom!</em></strong></p><p><em>&nbsp;</em>Do you know yourself good enough, and do you know what value can you create for an organization or to the society? When, where and how to start your job hunting as an international student? Meet Mia, an alumni from the Masters programme Supply Chain Management. During this two-year master program in JIBS, she was employed by one of the largest Swedish manufacturing company Tetra Pak for two summers. Also, the exchange study experience in Canada helped her have a deeper understanding of the whole world, combining her Asian background and her journey in Europe. Job hunting is an art of demonstrating your value to the society. Mia would like to share her thoughts and experience with you.</p><p>Thursday November 12th 12-1 pm</p><p>ZOOM - A link to lecture will be sent out 1 hour before the lecture starts!</p><p><strong>Registration is done at <a href="https://ju.jobteaser.com">https://ju.jobteaser.com</a>&nbsp;</strong>(you create an account with your JU-student email and after that log in and sign up to the event)</p>
12 november - 12 november
12:00 - 13:00


Zoom- meeting


An alumnus story - Mia Wang, international student working in Sweden - ONLINE

Due to public restrictions in Jönköping, this presentation will be held on Zoom!

 Do you know yourself good enough, and do you know what value can you create for an organization or to the society? When, where and how to start your job hunting as an international student? Meet Mia, an alumni from the Masters programme Supply Chain Management. During this two-year master program in JIBS, she was employed by one of the largest Swedish manufacturing company Tetra Pak for two summers. Also, the exchange study experience in Canada helped her have a deeper understanding of the whole world, combining her Asian background and her journey in Europe. Job hunting is an art of demonstrating your value to the society. Mia would like to share her thoughts and experience with you.

Thursday November 12th 12-1 pm

ZOOM - A link to lecture will be sent out 1 hour before the lecture starts!

Registration is done at https://ju.jobteaser.com (you create an account with your JU-student email and after that log in and sign up to the event)

Arrangör: Career Center

Offentliga föreläsningar: Detaljhandeln i geografin - en sektor i förändring

12 november - 12 november

18:30 - 20:00

Hc113 (Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation)

<p>Helena Nilsson forskar om hur f&ouml;r&auml;ndringar i n&auml;rheten av konsumenter p&aring;verkar detaljhandelsf&ouml;retagens storlek och &ouml;verlevnad. Hon har bland annat studerat vilken effekt etableringen av Ikea fick f&ouml;r en kommun och dess grannkommuner. Oms&auml;ttning, syssels&auml;ttning, restauranger, detaljhandel och hotellverksamhet visar sig p&aring;verkas utifr&aring;n dess avst&aring;nd till etableringen. Hon unders&ouml;ker ocks&aring; hur k&ouml;pcentrum p&aring;verkar nedl&auml;ggningar av butiker p&aring; andra platser och hur f&ouml;r&auml;ndringar i n&auml;rheten av livsmedelsbutiker &auml;r l&auml;nkat till befolkningst&auml;thet.&nbsp;<br /><em>Helena Nilsson,&nbsp;fil.dr i nationalekonomi</em></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Offentliga f&ouml;rel&auml;sningar arrangeras av JU tillsammans med Folkuniversitetet. Alla f&ouml;rel&auml;sningar h&aring;lls p&aring; H&ouml;gskolan f&ouml;r l&auml;rande och kommunikation (Gjuterigatan 5) i sal HC113 (entr&eacute;plan) P&aring; grund av r&aring;dande omst&auml;ndigheter f&aring;r max 49 personer vara fysiskt p&aring; plats, men de kan ses live via&nbsp;<a href="https://ju.se/samarbeta/event-och-konferenser/event/offentliga-forelasningar.html">ju.se/offentliga</a><br />F&ouml;rel&auml;sningarna &auml;r p&aring; olika s&auml;tt kopplade till h&ouml;gskolans forskningsomr&aring;den och &auml;r helt kostnadsfria att bes&ouml;ka.<br />Se hela programmet och l&auml;s mer om f&ouml;rel&auml;sningarna p&aring;&nbsp;<a href="https://ju.se/samarbeta/event-och-konferenser/event/offentliga-forelasningar.html">ju.se/offentliga</a></p>
12 november - 12 november
18:30 - 20:00


Hc113 (Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation)


Offentliga föreläsningar: Detaljhandeln i geografin - en sektor i förändring

Helena Nilsson forskar om hur förändringar i närheten av konsumenter påverkar detaljhandelsföretagens storlek och överlevnad. Hon har bland annat studerat vilken effekt etableringen av Ikea fick för en kommun och dess grannkommuner. Omsättning, sysselsättning, restauranger, detaljhandel och hotellverksamhet visar sig påverkas utifrån dess avstånd till etableringen. Hon undersöker också hur köpcentrum påverkar nedläggningar av butiker på andra platser och hur förändringar i närheten av livsmedelsbutiker är länkat till befolkningstäthet. 
Helena Nilsson, fil.dr i nationalekonomi


Offentliga föreläsningar arrangeras av JU tillsammans med Folkuniversitetet. Alla föreläsningar hålls på Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation (Gjuterigatan 5) i sal HC113 (entréplan) På grund av rådande omständigheter får max 49 personer vara fysiskt på plats, men de kan ses live via ju.se/offentliga
Föreläsningarna är på olika sätt kopplade till högskolans forskningsområden och är helt kostnadsfria att besöka.
Se hela programmet och läs mer om föreläsningarna på ju.se/offentliga

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

CeFEO Research Seminar - Magdalena Markowska

16 november - 16 november

12:00 - 13:00

B6046 or via zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo

<p>Assistant Professor Magdalena Markowska will present a seminar titled:&nbsp;&ldquo;It&rsquo;s Not Motherhood: The Role Of Social Welfare Provision in Entrepreneurship By Mothers&quot;</p><p>Monday, 16TH November</p><p>12.00 &ndash; 13.00</p><p>B6046 or via Zoom Link:&nbsp;<a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo">https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo</a></p>
16 november - 16 november
12:00 - 13:00


B6046 or via zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo


CeFEO Research Seminar - Magdalena Markowska

Assistant Professor Magdalena Markowska will present a seminar titled: “It’s Not Motherhood: The Role Of Social Welfare Provision in Entrepreneurship By Mothers"

Monday, 16TH November

12.00 – 13.00

B6046 or via Zoom Link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance with Michael Jetter from University of Western Australia

16 november - 16 november

12:10 - 12:55


<p><strong>Most welcome to join the Brown</strong><strong>Bag</strong><strong> Seminar in Economics and Finance&nbsp;</strong><em>presented by&nbsp;</em><strong><a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.uwa.edu.au%2Fprofile%2Fmichael-jetter&amp;data=04%7C01%7CSofie.Grahnat%40ju.se%7Cb5f49ec39d604e578f1308d88620c70b%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637406822742686768%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=umJ1HZzhTBxTo2vUFTb2MazGUHjhl%2B9Fp3NbBNLg48E%3D&amp;reserved=0">Michael Jetter</a>&nbsp;from&nbsp;</strong>University of Western Australia</p><p><strong>Title: </strong>For FARC&lsquo;s sake: Demobilizing the oldest guerrilla in modern history&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Date: </strong>Monday, November 16<br /><strong>Time: </strong>12:10-12:55<br /><strong>Zoom: </strong><a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fju-se.zoom.us%2Fj%2F63738125121&amp;data=04%7C01%7CSofie.Grahnat%40ju.se%7Cb5f49ec39d604e578f1308d88620c70b%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637406822742696761%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=2sJCr0UVhMCUI78rfx3PbUizvvA58aFC9tqICeL8Z60%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121</a></p><p><br />Have a look at the&nbsp;seminar&nbsp;program for A2 <a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https:%2F%2Fteams.microsoft.com%2F_%23%2Fpdf%2Fviewer%2Fteams%2Fhttps:~2F~2Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com~2Fsites~2FG-EFSTeam~2FDelade%2520dokument~2FGeneral~2FEFS-Seminars~2FSchedule_BrownBag_2020A2.pdf%3FthreadId%3D19:b7d0a12b4555478d9becabf65393258a%40thread.tacv2%26baseUrl%3Dhttps:~2F~2Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com~2Fsites~2FG-EFSTeam%26fileId%3D54561514-dfe4-49cf-82de-ad652e3b0e2c%26ctx%3Dfiles%26rootContext%3Ditems_view%26viewerAction%3Dview&amp;data=04%7C01%7CSofie.Grahnat%40ju.se%7Cb5f49ec39d604e578f1308d88620c70b%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637406822742706764%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=%2F10OuyigrsNpgQqIwCBI9scmihQ8GM7GIzoghJbZU2g%3D&amp;reserved=0">here</a>.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Welcome!&nbsp;</strong></p>
16 november - 16 november
12:10 - 12:55




Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance with Michael Jetter from University of Western Australia

Most welcome to join the BrownBag Seminar in Economics and Finance presented by Michael Jetter from University of Western Australia

Title: For FARC‘s sake: Demobilizing the oldest guerrilla in modern history 

Date: Monday, November 16
Time: 12:10-12:55
Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121

Have a look at the seminar program for A2 here


Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

Kunskap och framtid

18 november - 19 november

<p>&Aring;rets Kunskap och framtid m&auml;ssa i g&ouml;teborg blir ett digitalt event..<br />L&auml;s mer om m&auml;ssan och v&aring;r medverkan p&aring;&nbsp;https://kunskapframtid.se/hem/om-massan/&nbsp;</p>
18 november - 19 november




Kunskap och framtid

Årets Kunskap och framtid mässa i göteborg blir ett digitalt event..
Läs mer om mässan och vår medverkan på https://kunskapframtid.se/hem/om-massan/ 

Arrangör: Jönköping University

Go Exchange online - på Instagram

18 november - 19 november


<p>Go Exchange &auml;r ett tillf&auml;lle f&ouml;r att inspirera, dela erfarenheter och visa p&aring; m&ouml;jligheten att studera utomlands! Go Exchange &auml;r vanligtvis en m&auml;ssa i Campus Arena d&auml;r internationella utbytesstudenter visar upp sina hemuniversitet f&ouml;r programstudenter och personal vid JU. Den h&auml;r terminen kommer Go-utbytesevenemanget att h&aring;llas online, f&ouml;rdelat p&aring; tv&aring; dagar <strong>18 och 19 november via Go Exchange Instagram-kontot: @goexchangeju&nbsp;</strong></p><p>G&aring; med i Instagram-kontot och ta tillf&auml;llet i akt att l&auml;ra k&auml;nna de internationella utbytesstudenterna som har valt att g&ouml;ra sina utbytesstudier vid J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping university. Passa p&aring; att se deras presentationer och videos och l&auml;r dig mer om deras utbyteserfarenheter i J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping och l&auml;r dig mer om v&aring;ra partneruniversitet.</p><p>Varmt v&auml;lkommen!&nbsp;</p>
18 november - 19 november




Go Exchange online - på Instagram

Go Exchange är ett tillfälle för att inspirera, dela erfarenheter och visa på möjligheten att studera utomlands! Go Exchange är vanligtvis en mässa i Campus Arena där internationella utbytesstudenter visar upp sina hemuniversitet för programstudenter och personal vid JU. Den här terminen kommer Go-utbytesevenemanget att hållas online, fördelat på två dagar 18 och 19 november via Go Exchange Instagram-kontot: @goexchangeju 

Gå med i Instagram-kontot och ta tillfället i akt att lära känna de internationella utbytesstudenterna som har valt att göra sina utbytesstudier vid Jönköping university. Passa på att se deras presentationer och videos och lär dig mer om deras utbyteserfarenheter i Jönköping och lär dig mer om våra partneruniversitet.

Varmt välkommen! 

Arrangör: Jönköping University

Digital Kommunikationsdag

19 november - 19 november


<p>Vi bjuder in dig som vill vara med och bidra till att st&auml;rka kommunikationen i och runt omkring J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping. Branschdagen&nbsp;riktar sig till en bred m&aring;lgrupp f&ouml;r att maximera n&auml;tverkandet &auml;nda ut i fingerspetsarna. Du kommer att m&ouml;ta kommunikationsdirekt&ouml;rer, byr&aring;folk, fackf&ouml;rbund, frilansare, forskare och branschf&ouml;reningar.&nbsp;</p><p>H&aring;ll utkik h&auml;r f&ouml;r mer infomation:&nbsp;<a href="http://www.kommunikationsdagenjkpg.se/">http://www.kommunikationsdagenjkpg.se/</a></p>
19 november - 19 november




Digital Kommunikationsdag

Vi bjuder in dig som vill vara med och bidra till att stärka kommunikationen i och runt omkring Jönköping. Branschdagen riktar sig till en bred målgrupp för att maximera nätverkandet ända ut i fingerspetsarna. Du kommer att möta kommunikationsdirektörer, byråfolk, fackförbund, frilansare, forskare och branschföreningar. 

Håll utkik här för mer infomation: http://www.kommunikationsdagenjkpg.se/

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Early-stage research funding application support sessions

19 november - 19 november

09:30 - 12:00

B6046, JIBS

<p>Early-stage research funding application support sessions with Christian Sandstr&ouml;m and Norbert Steigenberger.</p>
19 november - 19 november
09:30 - 12:00


B6046, JIBS


Early-stage research funding application support sessions

Early-stage research funding application support sessions with Christian Sandström and Norbert Steigenberger.

Arrangör: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Insights on entrepreneurship - Guest lecture with Thomas Hartwig, co-founder of King

20 november - 20 november

10:00 - 12:00


<p>Thomas Hartwig is co-founder of King, a leading interactive entertainment company for the mobile world, creator of games such as Candy Crush and Farm Heroes Saga. Thomas previously served as Chief Technology Officer of King, and has also co-founded the telecommunication development company Fjord Network and the investment fund Sweet Capital.</p><p>Thomas will share his insights on entrepreneurship and business development from his journey with King and from his current engagement in Sweet Capital.</p><p>The lecture is open to all staff and students from JU and will take place online via this link:&nbsp;<a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fju-se.zoom.us%2Fj%2F63853309635&amp;data=04%7C01%7CKatie.Bingham%40ju.se%7C71b05110450147207eb508d87fd0fc0c%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637399882838691435%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=gN866%2B8tWLvLfLpOD8Fbv6i%2FtPOCCZqEHb9JPYW5Q6Q%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63853309635</a></p>
20 november - 20 november
10:00 - 12:00




Insights on entrepreneurship - Guest lecture with Thomas Hartwig, co-founder of King

Thomas Hartwig is co-founder of King, a leading interactive entertainment company for the mobile world, creator of games such as Candy Crush and Farm Heroes Saga. Thomas previously served as Chief Technology Officer of King, and has also co-founded the telecommunication development company Fjord Network and the investment fund Sweet Capital.

Thomas will share his insights on entrepreneurship and business development from his journey with King and from his current engagement in Sweet Capital.

The lecture is open to all staff and students from JU and will take place online via this link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63853309635

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

ForskarFredag 2020 - låna en forskare digitalt!

23 november - 27 november

08:00 - 16:00


<p>F&ouml;r gymnasieelever i J&ouml;nk&ouml;pings l&auml;n erbjuder vi i &aring;r en m&ouml;jlighet att l&aring;na en forskare digitalt den 23-27 november. En forskare ber&auml;ttar om hur det &auml;r att arbeta som forskare, varf&ouml;r hen blev forskare och om sina forskningsresultat. Syftet &auml;r att skapa en n&auml;ra dialog mellan elever och forskare, s&aring; samtalet styrs av eleverna i h&ouml;g utstr&auml;ckning. Ett digitalt bes&ouml;k varar ca 40-60 minuter.</p><p>L&auml;s mer p&aring; <a href="https://ju.se/samarbeta/event-och-konferenser/event/forskarfredag.html">ju.se/forskarfredag</a></p>
23 november - 27 november
08:00 - 16:00




ForskarFredag 2020 - låna en forskare digitalt!

För gymnasieelever i Jönköpings län erbjuder vi i år en möjlighet att låna en forskare digitalt den 23-27 november. En forskare berättar om hur det är att arbeta som forskare, varför hen blev forskare och om sina forskningsresultat. Syftet är att skapa en nära dialog mellan elever och forskare, så samtalet styrs av eleverna i hög utsträckning. Ett digitalt besök varar ca 40-60 minuter.

Läs mer på ju.se/forskarfredag

Arrangör: Jönköping University

Welcome to join us for the Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance presented by Laura Villalobos

23 november - 23 november

12:10 - 12:55


<p>You are most welcome to join us for the&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&rdquo;&nbsp;</em>presented by&nbsp;<strong>Laura Villalobos</strong>&nbsp;from Inter-American Development Bank&nbsp;</p><p>Read more about Laura here:&nbsp;<a href="https://lavifi.wordpress.com/">https://lavifi.wordpress.com/</a></p><p><strong>Title: </strong>Economic value of air quality improvements during COVID-19 lockdowns in Bogot&aacute;</p><p>Date:<strong> Monday, November 23</strong><br />Time:<strong> 12:10-12:55</strong></p><p><strong>Room: </strong><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121</a><br />Fix Meeting-ID for Autumn 2: 637 381 251 21</p><p>Have a look at the&nbsp;seminar&nbsp;program for A2&nbsp;<a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/file/54561514-DFE4-49CF-82DE-AD652E3B0E2C?tenantId=7564bc8f-3738-4b4d-bd57-5a02ca6215fb&amp;fileType=pdf&amp;objectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com%2Fsites%2FG-EFSTeam%2FDelade%20dokument%2FGeneral%2FEFS-Seminars%2FSchedule_BrownBag_2020A2.pdf&amp;baseUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com%2Fsites%2FG-EFSTeam&amp;serviceName=teams&amp;threadId=19:b7d0a12b4555478d9becabf65393258a@thread.tacv2&amp;groupId=634c5acc-6a00-404b-8d1e-9b44c1035379">here</a>.</p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong><br />Economic value of air quality improvements during COVID-19 lockdowns in Bogot&aacute; Air pollution is a leading cause of death worldwide, particularly affecting big cities in emerging economies. In this project, we estimate the effect of COVID-19 lockdowns on air quality in Bogot&aacute;. Using epidemiology models, we translate the air quality improvements into avoided deaths in the short and long run, and compare them with the additional COVID-19 related deaths. In addition, we quantify the economic value of the decreased mortality and explore the distributional, temporal, and spatial effects.</p>
23 november - 23 november
12:10 - 12:55




Welcome to join us for the Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance presented by Laura Villalobos

You are most welcome to join us for the “Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance” presented by Laura Villalobos from Inter-American Development Bank 

Read more about Laura here: https://lavifi.wordpress.com/

Title: Economic value of air quality improvements during COVID-19 lockdowns in Bogotá

Date: Monday, November 23
Time: 12:10-12:55

Room: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121
Fix Meeting-ID for Autumn 2: 637 381 251 21

Have a look at the seminar program for A2 here.

Economic value of air quality improvements during COVID-19 lockdowns in Bogotá Air pollution is a leading cause of death worldwide, particularly affecting big cities in emerging economies. In this project, we estimate the effect of COVID-19 lockdowns on air quality in Bogotá. Using epidemiology models, we translate the air quality improvements into avoided deaths in the short and long run, and compare them with the additional COVID-19 related deaths. In addition, we quantify the economic value of the decreased mortality and explore the distributional, temporal, and spatial effects.

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School


24 november - 27 november

<p>&Aring;rets Sacom&auml;ssa blir ett digitalt event och kombinerar m&auml;ssan i Stockholm med m&auml;ssan i Malm&ouml;.&nbsp;<br />F&ouml;r att l&auml;sa mer se,&nbsp;https://www.saco.se/saco-studentmassor/</p>
24 november - 27 november





Årets Sacomässa blir ett digitalt event och kombinerar mässan i Stockholm med mässan i Malmö. 
För att läsa mer se, https://www.saco.se/saco-studentmassor/

Arrangör: Jönköping University

Spikning - Thomas Ekström

24 november - 24 november

09:30 - 10:00

<p>Due to the prevailing Covid 19 circumstances we are obliged to cancel Tomas Ekstr&ouml;m&rsquo;s nailing ceremony that should have taken place at the entrance of JTH on November 24th.</p><p>The nailing ceremony is an old tradition in which the thesis is made public and no changes may be done thereafter. A nailing ceremony must be done no later than 3 weeks before the public defence. However, in our modern times, we also make the thesis public digitally three weeks before the public defence and the nailing ceremony has become more of a nice tradition. Since the ceremony is cancelled you may get the thesis in the link: <a href="http://hj.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1501195/FULLTEXT01.pdf">Doctoral thesis: Segmentation and Differentiation in Defence Supply Chain Design: A Dynamic Purchasing Portfolio Model for Defence Procurement. Author of the thesis: Thomas Ekstr&ouml;m</a></p>
24 november - 24 november
09:30 - 10:00




Spikning - Thomas Ekström

Due to the prevailing Covid 19 circumstances we are obliged to cancel Tomas Ekström’s nailing ceremony that should have taken place at the entrance of JTH on November 24th.

The nailing ceremony is an old tradition in which the thesis is made public and no changes may be done thereafter. A nailing ceremony must be done no later than 3 weeks before the public defence. However, in our modern times, we also make the thesis public digitally three weeks before the public defence and the nailing ceremony has become more of a nice tradition. Since the ceremony is cancelled you may get the thesis in the link: Doctoral thesis: Segmentation and Differentiation in Defence Supply Chain Design: A Dynamic Purchasing Portfolio Model for Defence Procurement. Author of the thesis: Thomas Ekström

Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

MMTC Research Seminar presented by Christian Sandström

25 november - 25 november

12:00 - 13:00

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>MMTC Research Seminar presented by Christian Sandstr&ouml;m</p>
25 november - 25 november
12:00 - 13:00


Online - contact for zoom link


MMTC Research Seminar presented by Christian Sandström

MMTC Research Seminar presented by Christian Sandström

Arrangör: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Internships in Sweden and abroad - how to get them and where to start - ONLINE

25 november - 25 november

12:00 - 13:00

Zoom- meeting

<p><strong><em>Due to public restrictions in J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping, this seminar will be held on Zoom!</em></strong></p><p>Want to do an Internship, maybe even in a foreign country? Get information about different opportunities for professional intern&shy;ships, information about how to find them and how to apply.</p><p>Wednesday November 25th 12-1 pm</p><p>On Zoom- a link to lecture will be sent out 1 hour before the lecture starts to registered participants!</p><p><strong>Registration is done at <a href="https://ju.jobteaser.com">https://ju.jobteaser.com</a>&nbsp;</strong>(you create an account with your JU-student email and after that log in and sign up to the event)</p>
25 november - 25 november
12:00 - 13:00


Zoom- meeting


Internships in Sweden and abroad - how to get them and where to start - ONLINE

Due to public restrictions in Jönköping, this seminar will be held on Zoom!

Want to do an Internship, maybe even in a foreign country? Get information about different opportunities for professional intern­ships, information about how to find them and how to apply.

Wednesday November 25th 12-1 pm

On Zoom- a link to lecture will be sent out 1 hour before the lecture starts to registered participants!

Registration is done at https://ju.jobteaser.com (you create an account with your JU-student email and after that log in and sign up to the event)

Arrangör: Career Center

EUFBC Seminar - Alexander Fries

25 november - 25 november

12:00 - 13:00


<p>The presenter is Alexander Fries,&nbsp;Doctoral Student&nbsp;at&nbsp;the&nbsp;Institute of Family Business and Mittelstand,&nbsp;WHU &ndash; Otto Beisheim School of Management, in Germany. The paper is entitled &ldquo;Being innovative and talking about it:&nbsp;Innovation signaling in m&amp;a announcements of family firms&rdquo;. Nadine Kammerlander is a co-author of this paper.</p><p><strong>November </strong><strong>25, </strong><strong>12:00</strong><strong>-13:00</strong><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong><strong>CET</strong></p><p>Link:&nbsp;<a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fju-se.zoom.us%2Fj%2F68855796991&amp;data=04%7C01%7CIngrid.Aronsson%40ju.se%7C1d48d686823649f0f89b08d884beea2d%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637405302852347329%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=odrLCHOhHelxaeHtztsB0BnNEQKcWF9ZLpSx5DU%2FoO4%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68855796991</a></p><p>Abstract:&nbsp;Family firms have previously been found to be more efficient in creating innovation internally as compared to non-family firms because of their effective use of resources. Nevertheless, we do not sufficiently understand whether and how family firms signal their innovativeness towards the market to, e.g., enhance their reputation. We discuss this relationship in the context of M&amp;A deal announcements of publicly listed firms. We hypothesize that true family firms mention more innovation in their deal announcements as compared to non-family firms while lone founder firms do so less. Moreover, we argue that being led by a family CEO strengthens this effect. We test our hypotheses based on a sample of 2,153 M&amp;A deal announcements and find support for most of our hypotheses.&nbsp;</p>
25 november - 25 november
12:00 - 13:00




EUFBC Seminar - Alexander Fries

The presenter is Alexander Fries, Doctoral Student at the Institute of Family Business and Mittelstand, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, in Germany. The paper is entitled “Being innovative and talking about it: Innovation signaling in m&a announcements of family firms”. Nadine Kammerlander is a co-author of this paper.

November 25, 12:00-13:00 CET

Link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68855796991

Abstract: Family firms have previously been found to be more efficient in creating innovation internally as compared to non-family firms because of their effective use of resources. Nevertheless, we do not sufficiently understand whether and how family firms signal their innovativeness towards the market to, e.g., enhance their reputation. We discuss this relationship in the context of M&A deal announcements of publicly listed firms. We hypothesize that true family firms mention more innovation in their deal announcements as compared to non-family firms while lone founder firms do so less. Moreover, we argue that being led by a family CEO strengthens this effect. We test our hypotheses based on a sample of 2,153 M&A deal announcements and find support for most of our hypotheses. 

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

An alumnus story - Emma Björner from Gothenburg Research Institute- online!

26 november - 26 november

12:00 - 13:00

Zoom- meeting

<p><strong>Due to public restrictions this lecture will be held on Zoom!</strong></p><p>Emma Bj&ouml;rner is an alumni from the Media and Communication programme. During studies, Emma spent one semester in the US, wrote her thesis in Malawi, and worked with the Student Union. After graduating, Emma moved to China, to Guangzhou and later Shanghai. Her master and PhD-studies is focusing on the branding and development of Chinese mega-cities. Today Emma is a researcher and lecturer at Gothenburg Research Institute and Lund University. Her research is on sustainable tourism and sustainable cities and her teaching on consumer culture and brand communication.</p><p>Thursday November 26th &nbsp;12-1 pm</p><p><strong>Join Zoom Meeting</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63079662648">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63079662648</a></strong></p>
26 november - 26 november
12:00 - 13:00


Zoom- meeting


An alumnus story - Emma Björner from Gothenburg Research Institute- online!

Due to public restrictions this lecture will be held on Zoom!

Emma Björner is an alumni from the Media and Communication programme. During studies, Emma spent one semester in the US, wrote her thesis in Malawi, and worked with the Student Union. After graduating, Emma moved to China, to Guangzhou and later Shanghai. Her master and PhD-studies is focusing on the branding and development of Chinese mega-cities. Today Emma is a researcher and lecturer at Gothenburg Research Institute and Lund University. Her research is on sustainable tourism and sustainable cities and her teaching on consumer culture and brand communication.

Thursday November 26th  12-1 pm

Join Zoom Meeting


Arrangör: Career Center

Offentliga föreläsningar: Material om Jönköpingsbygden hos Riksarkivet - arkiven som resurs för forskare och allmänhet

26 november - 26 november

18:30 - 20:00


<p>Riksarkivet i Vadstena f&ouml;rvarar n&auml;rmare sex hyllmil handlingar fr&aring;n Kalmar, Kronobergs, J&ouml;nk&ouml;pings och &Ouml;sterg&ouml;tlands l&auml;n. I samlingarna finns allt fr&aring;n domstolshandlingar till kyrkomaterial till polisrapporter, privilegiebrev och f&ouml;retagsarkiv. Claes Westling &auml;r f&ouml;rste arkivarie vid arkivet och presenterar i denna f&ouml;rel&auml;sning arkivmaterial som &auml;r l&auml;nkat till J&ouml;nk&ouml;pingsbygden och hur man b&aring;de som forskare och privatperson kan f&aring; tillg&aring;ng till materialet.&nbsp;<br /><em>Claes Westling, 1:e arkivarie, fil.dr, Riksarkivet Vadstena</em></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Offentliga f&ouml;rel&auml;sningar arrangeras av JU tillsammans med Folkuniversitetet. De kan ses live via&nbsp;<a href="https://ju.se/samarbeta/event-och-konferenser/event/offentliga-forelasningar.html">ju.se/offentliga</a><br />F&ouml;rel&auml;sningarna &auml;r p&aring; olika s&auml;tt kopplade till h&ouml;gskolans forskningsomr&aring;den och &auml;r helt kostnadsfria att bes&ouml;ka.<br />Se hela programmet och l&auml;s mer om f&ouml;rel&auml;sningarna p&aring;&nbsp;<a href="https://ju.se/samarbeta/event-och-konferenser/event/offentliga-forelasningar.html">ju.se/offentliga</a></p>
26 november - 26 november
18:30 - 20:00




Offentliga föreläsningar: Material om Jönköpingsbygden hos Riksarkivet - arkiven som resurs för forskare och allmänhet

Riksarkivet i Vadstena förvarar närmare sex hyllmil handlingar från Kalmar, Kronobergs, Jönköpings och Östergötlands län. I samlingarna finns allt från domstolshandlingar till kyrkomaterial till polisrapporter, privilegiebrev och företagsarkiv. Claes Westling är förste arkivarie vid arkivet och presenterar i denna föreläsning arkivmaterial som är länkat till Jönköpingsbygden och hur man både som forskare och privatperson kan få tillgång till materialet. 
Claes Westling, 1:e arkivarie, fil.dr, Riksarkivet Vadstena


Offentliga föreläsningar arrangeras av JU tillsammans med Folkuniversitetet. De kan ses live via ju.se/offentliga
Föreläsningarna är på olika sätt kopplade till högskolans forskningsområden och är helt kostnadsfria att besöka.
Se hela programmet och läs mer om föreläsningarna på ju.se/offentliga

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Disputation - Jorge Santos

27 november - 27 november

13:00 - 15:00

E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

<p><strong>Titel: </strong><em>Semi-Solid Al-7Si-Mg Castings - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties</em><br /><strong>Respondent:</strong> Jorge Santos<br /><strong>Forskarutbildnings&auml;mne: </strong>Material och tillverkningsprocesser<br /><strong>Opponent:</strong> Professor Dong Hongbiao, University of Leicester, UK<br /><strong>Huvudhandledare:</strong> Professor Anders Jarfors, JTH, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University</p><p>V&auml;lkommen!</p>
27 november - 27 november
13:00 - 15:00


E1405 (Gjuterisalen)


Disputation - Jorge Santos

Titel: Semi-Solid Al-7Si-Mg Castings - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Respondent: Jorge Santos
Forskarutbildningsämne: Material och tillverkningsprocesser
Opponent: Professor Dong Hongbiao, University of Leicester, UK
Huvudhandledare: Professor Anders Jarfors, JTH, Jönköping University


Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

CeFEO Research Seminar

30 november - 30 november

12:00 - 13:00

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>CeFEO Research Seminar</p>
30 november - 30 november
12:00 - 13:00


Online - contact for zoom link


CeFEO Research Seminar

CeFEO Research Seminar

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

CeFEO Research Seminar - Amin Soheili

30 november - 30 november

12:00 - 13:00

B6046 or via zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo

<p>PhD Candidate in Business Administration AMIN SOHEILI will present a seminar titles:&nbsp;&ldquo;THE ROLE OF MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS IN IRANIAN FAMILY FIRMS UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL UNCERTAINTY&rdquo;</p><p>Monday, 30TH November</p><p>12.00 &ndash; 13.00</p><p>B6046 or via Zoom Link:<a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo">https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo</a></p>
30 november - 30 november
12:00 - 13:00


B6046 or via zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo


CeFEO Research Seminar - Amin Soheili


Monday, 30TH November

12.00 – 13.00

B6046 or via Zoom Link:https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership