JU students broadcast live for Music Aid
This year's Radio K Bryr Sig (RKBS) kicks off on the morning of Thursday December 7th and will last until the evening of Friday December 8th. A first for this year’s event is that it will begin at the Asecs shopping centre and will then move to campus inside the Student House at Jönköping University (JU). Students will be broadcasting in support of "No one should have to die of hunger", which is this year’s theme for Music Aid (Musikhjälpen).

Radio K is one of the committees under the student association LOK at the School of Education and Communication (HLK) at JU. Their biggest event is RKBS, which is arranged together with Jönköping's Student Union. The event will feature live radio filled with competitions, guests, music and auctions to raise money for Music Aid.
“The main purpose of the entire event is of course to collect money for Music Aid and draw attention to this year's theme. We also want to involve the students, to contribute to a lively campus, it would never have been possible without them and their commitment,” says Matilda Bright, Head of Radio K.
Friday will also bring a Christmas market to campus, where organizations and committees invite you to mingle and take part in various activities. Live auctions will also be arranged during the event, something Matilda says people won’t want to miss.
“We are arranging auctions both at Asecs and on campus. There are some really great things that are being auctioned this year. I will bid on many of them myself” she says.
See and listen to the broadcast here External link, opens in new window.
Sights set for new target
The goal this year is to raise SEK 100,000 - more than last year's goal, which was SEK 70,000. Radio K is aware that this year’s fundraising goal is a big step up and that it will require a lot of commitment to succeed. But Matilda is sure that they will reach it.
A new move for this year is that the radio broadcast will take place outside campus. Radio K is revolutionizing the event by broadcasting the first eight hours inside Asecs. and inviting stores to participate in the live broadcast. The focus will be Christmas gift tips and student-friendly shopping.
Matilda sees the Asecs broadcast as an opportunity to spread information about the Radio K committee and inform private individuals, companies and students about who they are and what they do, while also drawing attention to Music Aid and its theme for this year.
“It's not just the large donations that make a difference, the small offerings also make a big difference in the bigger picture. We are grateful for all the support we can get,” concludes Matilda.