Conflict Transformation in Theory and Practice 7.5 hp
The course equips students with the knowledge and ability to engage in conflict transformational work both in international development and national contexts. The course includes analysis of complex conflict situations and provides examples and methods of practical interventions. The course also includes analysis of personal and relational skills of a conflict worker.
- Conflict transformation theory and concepts
- Dialogue practice
- Critical issues and dynamics relating to conflict (power culture, identity and gender)
- Tools for analyzing and designing conflict transformation interventions
- Strategies to address conflict in development and peace works
General entry requirements or the equivalent. English proficiency is required. Exemption is granted from the requirement in Swedish.
Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå
Kurskod/Ladokkod: LCTG14
Kursen ges vid: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
Label | Value |
Typ av Kurs | Programkurstillfälle |
Studieform | Normal |
Termin | Våren 2026: vecka 4 – vecka 8 |
Studietakt | Helfart |
Undervisningsspråk | Engelska |
Ort | Jönköping |
Kurstid | Dagtid |
Platser | 5.0 |
Studieavgift Gäller enbart studenter utanför EU/EES/Schweiz: | 12375 SEK |
Kursplan (PDF) | |
Anmälningskod | HJ-22800 |