Marcel Garz

Universitetslektor, Docent
Nationalekonomi , Jönköping International Business School
Ekonomie Doktor
För en presentation av Marcel Garz, se engelska presentationsidan.


Garz, M., Zhuang, M. (2024). Media coverage and pandemic behavior: Evidence from Sweden Health Economics, 33(6), 1319-1367. More information
Reis, J., Garz, M. (2024). Media Attention and Compliance With the European Court of Human Rights Journal of Conflict Resolution. More information
Garz, M., Szucs, F. (2023). Algorithmic selection and supply of political news on Facebook Information Economics and Policy, 62(March). More information
Garz, M., Schneider, A. (2023). Taxation of short-term rentals: Evidence from the introduction of the “Airbnb tax” in Norway Economics Letters, 226. More information
Garz, M., Schneider, A. (2023). Data sharing and tax enforcement: Evidence from short-term rentals in Denmark Regional Science and Urban Economics, 101. More information
Garz, M., Rickardsson, J. (2023). Ownership and media slant: Evidence from Swedish newspapers Kyklos (Basel), 76(1), 18-40. More information
Lischka, J., Garz, M. (2023). Clickbait news and algorithmic curation: A game theory framework of the relation between journalism, users, and platforms New Media and Society, 25(8), 2073-2094. More information
Garz, M., Ots, M., Sjøvaag, H. (2023). Political Viewpoint Diversity in the News: Market and Ownership Conditions for a Pluralistic Media System The International Journal of Press/Politics. More information
Dujeancourt, E., Garz, M. (2023). The effects of algorithmic content selection on user engagement with news on Twitter The Information Society, 39(5), 263-281. More information
Cyron, T., Garz, M., Steigenberger, N. (2023). Beware the community type: engagement and growth in core vs. open online communities Small Business Economics. More information
Garz, M., Maaß, S. (2021). Cartels in the European Union, antitrust action, and public attention Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 186, 533-547. More information
Garz, M., Martin, G. (2021). Media Influence on Vote Choices: Unemployment News and Incumbents' Electoral Prospects American Journal of Political Science, 65(2), 278-293. More information
Garz, M., Sörensen, J. (2021). Political scandals, newspapers, and the election cycle Political Behavior, 43, 1017-1036. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Cyron, T., Ehlers, A., Garz, M., Steigenberger, N. (2020). Att lyckas med intres­sentdialogen Organisation & Samhälle, 54-59. More information
Garz, M., Sood, G., Stone, D., Wallace, J. (2020). The supply of media slant across outlets and demand for slant within outlets: Evidence from US presidential campaign news European Journal of Political Economy, 63. More information
Garz, M., Sörensen, J., Stone, D. (2020). Partisan selective engagement: Evidence from Facebook Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 177, 91-108. More information
Garz, M. (2018). Retirement, consumption of political information, and political knowledge European Journal of Political Economy, 53, 109-119. More information
Garz, M. (2018). Effects of unemployment news on economic perceptions – Evidence from German Federal States Regional Science and Urban Economics, 68, 172-190. More information
Garz, M., Pagels, V. (2018). Cautionary tales: Celebrities, the news media, and participation in tax amnesties Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 155, 288-300. More information
Garz, M., Sörensen, J. (2017). Politicians under investigation: The news Media's effect on the likelihood of resignation Journal of Public Economics, 153, 82-91. More information
Garz, M., Rott, A., Wass von Czege, M. (2015). The Online Market for Illegal Copies of Magazines: A German Case Study Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 59(1), 169-183. More information
Arango-Kure, M., Garz, M., Rott, A. (2014). Bad News Sells: The Demand for News Magazines and the Tone of Their Covers Journal of Media Economics, 27(4), 199-214. More information
Garz, M. (2014). Good news and bad news: evidence of media bias in unemployment reports Public Choice, 161(3-4), 499-515. More information
Garz, M. (2013). Unemployment expectations, excessive pessimism, and news coverage Journal of Economic Psychology, 34, 156-168. More information
Garz, M. (2013). Employment and wages in Germany since the 2004 deregulation of the temporary agency industry International labour review (Print), 152(2), 307-326. More information
Garz, M. (2013). Labour market segmentation: Standard and non-standard employment in Germany The German Economic Review, 14(3), 349-371. More information
Garz, M. (2012). Job Insecurity Perceptions and Media Coverage of Labor Market Policy Journal of Labor Research, 33(4), 528-544. More information


Garz, M. (2020). Quantitative methods. In: M. Bjørn von Rimscha (Ed.), Management and Economics of Communication (pp. 109 -127). More information
Garz, M., Rott, A. (2014). Erfolgsfaktoren von politischen Wochenmagazinen. In: I. Sjurts (Ed.), Zehn Jahre sind ein Jahr: Kernthemen der medienwirtschaftlichen Forschung der letzten Dekade (pp. 217 -243). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft More information
Garz, M. (2014). Volkswirtschaftliche Effizienz und der Markt für Nachrichten. In: I. Sjurts (Ed.), Zehn Jahre sind ein Jahr: Kernthemen der medienwirtschaftlichen Forschung der letzten Dekade (pp. 79 -94). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft More information


Garz, M., Sorensen, J., Stone, D. (2019). Partisan selective engagement: Evidence from Facebook. Munich: CESifo More information
Garz, M., Sood, G., Stone, D., Wallace, J. (2018). What Drives Demand for Media Slant?. More information
Garz, M., Sood, G., Stone, D., Wallace, J. (2017). Is There Within-outlet Demand for Media Slant? Evidence from US Presidential Campaign News. More information