HCL - Hungry for Clarification and Learning?
Almost 20 years ago, scientists discovered that not only the rods and cones in the human retina were light sensitive, but that a small fraction of retinal ganglion cells responds to light as well. Welcome to a conference about Human Centric Lighting.
The conference has been postpone. A new date will be set shortly.
The lighting industry tries to implement this finding into concepts like Human Centric Lighting, Dynamic Lighting, or Tunable White lighting.
To date, research is ongoing and even though our understanding about the light effects ‘beyond vision’ is growing every day, there are still big questions to be answered. To name a few:
- How has the role of lighting for human health changed over the last 20 years?
- How can lighting be used to minimize circadian disruption?
- Where is Human Centric Lighting needed?
The Lighting group at the School of Engineering in Jönköping organises a half-day symposium, which aims to demonstrate the possibilities of HCL technology and applications, the interaction between science and practice, the combination of performance and perception in lighting design as well as a brief overview in the state of the art of the scientific knowledge.
So, are you Hungry for Clarification and Learning?
Join us and national and international representatives from scientific research and lighting practise. Costs are 950 SEK (excl. tax) and this includes lunch and coffee/tea/fika.
Date: The conference has been postponed. A new date will be set shortly.
Place: Fagerhultaulan, School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
Moderator: Mikael Castanius, CEO El- och Belysningsföretagen
Thomas Kantermann

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. habil. med., Dipl. -Biol. FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management, Germany
Amanda Ames

Product designer & Brand strategist, AMES STUDIO
Katharina Wulff

Associate professor, Umeå University
Olle Strandberg

ICT strategist, Malmö City