Challenges and Opportunities of Incorporating Food Production from Alternative Networks into Local Supply Chains

Elianne Mae B. Genteroy
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Paola Pedranti
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A Study Involving Jönköping Region’s Sustainability Goals
Our thesis is a cooperation with Region Jönköping Län and is an investigation part of the pre-study “Återtag av livsmedel från Naturbruksskolorna i länet till sjukhusrestaurangerna”.
The focus of the prestudy is an investigation of the potential of incorporating the food production of the region’s agricultural high schools, Stora Segerstad Naturbruksgymnasium and Tenhults Naturbruksgymnasium, into the region’s hospitals in Jönköping, Värnamo, and Eksjö.
There is a great potential for using the livestock and vegetables produced by the schools to meet the needs of the hospitals for the patient meals. This ensures that the patients primarily consume fresh, locally produced food. Furthermore, this ensures greater self-reliance in the region and ensures greater certainty that food used by the region has been produced socially and environmentally responsibly.
This focus is especially exciting because it is tangential to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development goals. These goals include the aims for zero hunger (SDG2), good health and well-being (SDG3), clean water and sanitation (SDG6), responsible consumption and production SDG12), and climate action (SDG13). Moreover, there is a focus on reducing the climate impact of transportation by choosing local manufacturers and by prioritizing vehicles that use electricity or biogas to operate.
Our thesis is noteworthy due to its relevance in these regards, its strong focus on sustainable supply chain operations, and most importantly, because the project will make a profound impact on Jönköping County: the findings of our study will be used as a part for the prestudy “Återtag av livsmedel från Naturbruksskolorna i länet till sjukhusrestaurangerna”.