Ernesto Abalo

Head of Department
Assistant Professor of Media and Communications
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Associate Professor of Media and Communications

I am the Head of the Department of communication and behavioral sciences (KOB). I hold a PhD in media and communication. 

My research interests revolve around discourse, ideology and political power in journalism and other media. I have approached these issues in studies on the news media's reporting on drugs, environmental issues and class related issues.

Moreover, I am currently working in the research project Digital by default? Older adult citizens and digital welfare interfaces, which is funded by the Swedish research council (2023-2025). Within the project, I work with colleagues from Malmö University, Linneaus Univeristy, and Lund University.

I am part of the steering group of GeroNet, which is a multi disciplinary network at JU, with a special focus on older adults and aging. 


Abalo, E. (2025). Digital first or digital only? Swedish welfare user interfaces and the challenges for older citizens The Journal of Aging and Social Change, 15(1), 99-120. More information
Abalo, E., Olausson, U. (2023). An environmental problem in the making: how media logic molds scientific uncertainty in the production of news about artificial turf in Sweden Journal of Science Communication, 22(1). More information
Abalo, E., Nilsson, J. (2021). Fostering the truthful individual: Communicating media literacy in the comic Bamse Nordicom Review, 42(1), 109-123. More information
Abalo, E., Jacobsson, D. (2021). Class struggle in the era of post-politics: Representing the Swedish port conflict in the news media Nordicom Review, 42(3), 20-34. More information
Abalo, E. (2021). Between facts and ambiguity: Discourses on medical cannabis in Swedish newspapers Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 38(4), 345-360. More information
Abalo, E. (2019). Meeting the Good Other: Proper distance and the representation of José Mujica in Swedish feature journalism Iberoamericana: Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 48(1), 150-160. More information
Abalo, E. (2019). Rifts in the hegemony: Swedish news journalism on cannabis legalization Journalism Studies, 20(11), 1617-1634. More information
Abalo, E. (2019). Struck by the Potentials of Cannabusiness: Exploring the Relationship Between Neoliberal Ideology and Journalism in the Reporting on Legal Cannabis tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, 17(1), 86-100. More information
Abalo, E. (2016). Through Eurocentric logics: The construction of difference in foreign news discourse on Venezuela Journal of Language and Politics, 15(1), 94-115. More information
Abalo, E. (2014). Constructing (Il)Legitimate Democracy: Populism and Power Concentration in Newspaper Discourse on Venezuela tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, 12(2), 802-821. More information
Abalo, E. (2012). First hegemony, then democracy: On ideology and the media discourse on the coup against Hugo Chávez Observatorio (OBS*), 6(3), 105-128. More information


Abalo, E., Danielsson, M. (2008). Digitalisering och social exklusion: Om medborgares användning av och attityder till Arbetsförmedlingens digitala tjänster. Växjö: Växjö University Press More information

Doctoral thesis

Abalo, E. (2015). Through a post-political gaze: On the ideological loading of democracy in the coverage of Chávez's Venezuela (Doctoral thesis, Örebro: Örebro university). More information

Book chapter

Abalo, E. (2017). News Journalism for Global Sustainablility?: On the Problems with Reification and Othering when Reporting on Social Inequality. In: Peter Berglez, Ulrika Olausson & Mart Ots (Ed.), What is Sustainable Journalism?: Integrating the Environmental, Social, and Economic Challenges of Journalism (pp. 135 -150). New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group More information
Abalo, E., Danielsson, M., Johansson, H., Olsson, T. (2012). Emerging patterns in the era of e-governance: A study of users of 'Swedish public employment service' on internet. In: Ravi K. Dhar, Pooja Rana (Ed.), Media in the swirl (pp. 114 -125). New Delhi: Pentagon Press More information
Abalo, E., Danielsson, M., Johansson, H., Olsson, T. (2010). Digital inkludering eller exkludering? Arbetslösas användning av arbets­förmedlingens webbplats. In: Torbjörn Hjort, Philip Lalander, Roddy Nilsson (Ed.), Den ifrågasatte medborgaren - om utsatta gruppers relation till välfärdssystemen (pp. 69 -86). Växjö: Linnéuniversitetet More information

Conference paper

Abalo, E. (2024). Senior citizens as the target group? Digital welfare user interfaces and the shift in responsibility. Aging & Social Change: Fourteenth Interdisciplinary Conference, September 18 - 20, 2024, Galway, Ireland. More information
Abalo, E. (2023). With senior citizens in mind? Affordances and constraints in how Swedish government user interfaces offer different contact channels to its users. IAMCR Lyon23 – Lyon, France 9 to 13 July, IAMCR OCP23 – Online 26 June to 12 September. More information
Olsson, T., Abalo, E., Hammarlin, M., Viscovi, D. (2023). Digital by default? Older adults’ interaction with welfare interfaces. NordMedia Conference 2023, Bergen, Norway, 16–18 August 2023. More information
Abalo, E. (2018). Weeds in the Hegemony: Understanding Journalism on the Renegotiation of Cannabis. 7th European Communication Conference (ECC 2018), October 31 - November 3, 2018, Lugano, Switzerland. More information
Abalo, E. (2018). Towards sustainable journalism? On the need for a new common sense on inequality.. Mediamorphosis: Identity and participation. February 16-17, Mumbai, India, 2018. More information
Abalo, E. (2016). News for global sustainability?: Reifying and othering social inequality in news. Rethinking Power in Communicative Capitalism Critical Perspectives on Media, Culture and Society, Lisbon, September 8-10, 2016.. More information
Abalo, E. (2015). Through an imperialistic gaze?: Journalism, ideology and the notion of democracy. Prague: Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, ESA 2015, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, 25-28 August 2015, Prague. More information
Abalo, E. (2013). Through a Eurocentric lens: Difference and (de)legitimacy in foreign news discourse on Venezuela. Ida Blom Conference, Bergen, Norway, October 14-15, 2013. Panel: Challenging the difference engine.. More information
Abalo, E. (2013). Constructing democratic (de)legitimacy: Venezuela in foreign news discourse. NordMedia Conference, Oslo, Norway, August 8-11, 2013. More information
Abalo, E. (2012). The slum-dwellers and the Latin American normal: The construction of chavistas and the Venezuelan opposition in foreign news discourse. Communication, Crisis and Critique in Contemporary Capitalism, Bilbao, Basque Country, October 2012. More information
Abalo, E. (2011). Class as deviance: Constructing the support for and opposition against Hugo Chávez. 61st Annual ICA Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 26-30 May 2011. More information
Abalo, E. (2009). The construction of a ‘democratic transition’: The coup against Chávez in Swedish media. NordMedia, Karlstad, 2009. More information
Olsson, T., Abalo, E., Danielsson, M., Johansson, H. (2008). Emerging Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion in the Era of E-government: A Study of Users of ‘Swedish Public Employment Service’ on the Internet. NordMedia, Karlstad, 2009. More information


Abalo, E. (2020). Medielogik eller hållbar kommunikation? En intervjustudie om medieringen av konstgräs som miljöfråga. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication More information
Abalo, E. (2019). Konstgräs som miljöfråga i svenska nyhetsmedier: En kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication More information
Abalo, E. (2019). "Fotbollsplanen kan vara en tickande miljöbomb": Om konstruktionen av risk och expertis i svenska nyhetsmediers rapportering om konstgräs som miljöfråga. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication More information
Salonen, T., Abalo, E., Danielsson, M. (2008). Myndighet frågar medborgare: Brukarundersökningar i offentlig verksamhet. Växjö: Växjö University Press More information
Abalo, E., Danielsson, M. (2008). Olika publiker, olika livsstilar: Om idrott, kultur och regional utveckling. Växjö: Institutionen för samhällsvetenskap More information
Abalo, E., Danielsson, M. (2004). Förenaren och utestängaren: om mediesportkonsumtion och sportpreferenser. Växjö: Växjö universitet More information