DoT - Participation and Theater
Participation and Theatre
(Swedish: Delaktighet och Teater, DoT)

CCD is currently collaborating with a number of societal sectors in the Ministry of Culture externally funded project DoT. DoT builds upon meetings (between people and between sectors) as a fundamental tool for change in societal arenas. An overarching goal in DoT is to contribute towards a more equal, democratic and inclusive society in the 21st century. Through collaboration and exchange, through research and documentation, DoT engages the performing arts and the infrastructure of cultural politics in order to enrichen different sectors in society. Here scholars from and streams at CCD, especially those that focus marginalization issues vis-à-vis identity positions of deafness and gender, participate in inspirational dialogues with the regional and national theatre in a two-way enrichment project.
For more information see here Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..