Practice Based Educational Research (PER)
For more information, contact the Research Leaders:
Anna-Lena Godhe
Members of the Practice Based Educational Research environment conduct research of clear relevance to those working in schools, preschools and after-school centres. We work to develop sustainable collaborations between researchers and educators in all types of schools. These research collaborations are regional, national and international.
The common research interest within PER is the different questions that various actors within the education system may ask themselves in their professional practice. Thus, the research has clear relevance not only for primary school, secondary school, after-school centres and preschool, but also for teacher training. Several of the environment's researchers are also deeply involved in JU's teacher training program.
Ongoing projects:
- MOST – Meaningful Open Schooling Connects Schools To Communities
- Professionsdriven skolutveckling med fokus på förskolan och förskoleklass
- ULF – Praktiknära skolforskning
Finished projects:
- Wahlström, N., Schmidt, C. (2024). Considering critical moments, co-authoring and active engagement in learning. Educational research (Windsor. Print)
- Kullberg, A., Bjorklund, C., Runesson Kempe, U., Brkovic, I., Nord, M., Maunula, T. (2024). Improvements in learning addition and subtraction when using a structural approach in first grade. Educational Studies in Mathematics
- Bäckström, P. (2024). Synthesizing frame factor theory and opportunity to learn to a theory on peer effects in education.
- Öhman, C. (2024). Guardians' participation in preschool's systematic quality work (SQW) with a special focus on evaluation.
- Milner, A., Bäckström, P., Ernestam, J. (2024). Constructing solidarity through social justice in education: from collaboration and conflict to amalgamation between Swedish teacher unions. Globalisation, Societies and Education
- Öhman, C., Hugo, M., Augustine, L. (2024). Vårdnadshavares uppfattningar av delaktighet i förskolan. Educare (pp. 1-28).
- Kullberg, A., Björklund, C., Runesson Kempe, U. (2024). Seeing number relations when solving a three-digit subtraction task. Educational Studies in Mathematics
- Bäckström, P. (2024). Exploring mechanisms of peer effects in education: Frame factor analyses of classroom instruction. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication)
- Bäcklund, J., Florin Sädbom, R., Manderstedt, L., Anderström, H. (2024). We are mentoring more often: experiences of being a mentor in a training school project. Education Inquiry 15(2), 203-226
- Öhman, C. (2023). Vårdnadshavares delaktighet i förskolans systematiska kvalitetsarbete (SKA). Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication
- Rostedt, J. (2023). ’Barnfri tid’ - en etnografisk fallstudie om planering av matematikundervisning i svensk förskola. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication
- Einhärja, S. (2023). The relational competence of preschool teachers. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication
- Bäcklund, J. (2023). Making Education Matter and Educational Matters in the 21st century: Digital Presence of Schools. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication
- Blom, K., Rostedt, J., Alvén Sjöberg, J. (2023). Lärande och kommunikations doktorandsymposium 2023: Abstrakt bok. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication
- Godhe, A., Ideland, J., Ollinen, K. (2023). Dilemmatic spaces pertaining to digitalisation, equity and increased goal attainment in Swedish schools and preschools. Pedagogy, Culture & Society
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