Lunch & Learn - focus on inequality in ownership
There are still large differences between how much men versus women own, with men owning twice as much as women. To highlight these differences, an event was held on 28 February at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Jönköping University. The event was organized for students by the research centre CeFEO at JIBS and the think tank Ownershift.

To provoke discussion and highlight the differences, Ownershift distributed free lunch wraps, where 70 % were intended for women and 30 % for men. This was to illustrate the current gender inequality in ownership in Sweden - with men owning 70 % and women 30 %.
Anna Nordén is Assistant Professor in Economics at JIBS and research leader of Ownershift. Watch the clip below to hear Anna explain why they organized the event.
During the event, there were parallel discussions with different themes where the participants had the opportunity to share their experiences and thoughts.
The different areas were:
- Women's ownership: The economic power game - Exploring the opportunities that ownership provides to take control of both their own lives and the development of society.
- Women's Savings & Investments - Discuss the conscious decisions necessary for financial independence.
- Women's Entrepreneurship - Explore how entrepreneurship can be a career path for women.
- Women in family businesses - Learn how you can make a difference in the family business.