in:sure - Integrated Product and Production Development for Sustainability and Resilience

Supporting the transition towards a sustainable and fully integrated product and production development process supporting resilience and circularity in future products and manufacturing systems.
Today, the industrial challenges in developing products and production solutions are related to the increased societal needs related to circular economy. The companies are challenged in managing knowledge, information, and data, as the society is demanding digitalization, traceability, circular economy and more remanufacturing/reuse/refurbishing etc. to support resilience in the manufacturing companies. The integrated product and production development vertically connects technology development with business development and horizontally transforms strategies, needs and ideas into products and services which are ready for distribution to the customer.
Research Focus
The research focus is on product design and development, production development including the integration of technological and organizational aspects for managing a knowledge intensive product realization process. Therefore, in:sure aims at supporting the transition towards a sustainable and fully integrated product and production development process supporting resilience and circularity in future products and manufacturing systems. The expected industrial impact is to contribute with knowledge and skills in how to utilize and implement emerging technologies into a competitive integration of product and production development aspects facilitating business opportunities in a circular economy.
Ongoing projects
- Leaner Tools
- Nästa generations drivlineproduktion
- OptiPro
Opens in new window.
- Professor byggproduktionsledning
- ProWood+
Leader of in:sure
- Professor Production Systems
- School of Engineering
- +46 36-10 1639
Deputy Leader of in:sure
- Associate Professor ICT-BIM in building
- School of Engineering
- +46 36-10 1565