IDEAL - integrated product and production platforms
Academic Partner: School of Engineering
Industrial Partners: Fagerhult Belysning AB, Flexator AB, Husqvarna AB, Obos Sverige AB, Thule Sweden AB, YaPLM AB
Duration of the Project: 2020-2023
Research Team:

In the synergy project IDEAL, our researchers cooperate with industrial partners to answer the question; How can integrated product and production platforms support agile and demand driven product realisation?
Today, manufacturing companies are faced with the challenge to provide customised products and still maintain the benefits provided with mass production. A new approach to develop products and production systems respectively is required, with capabilities to handle both short-term and long-term changes.
A product realisation process supported by integrated product and production platforms will support the competitiveness of manufacturing companies facing a market characterised by high diversity and change.
Within the IDEAL project, SPARK’s research team collaborates with the industrial partners and to cover relevant aspects to enough depth, four sub-projects are identified targeting platform planning and development, and different means for integration. Several development activities are required to reach the goal, including method development, in-depth case studies and new ways of working. These activities will focus on development of new knowledge and support contributing to both science and industry.
Expected result
‘’The aim is to support development and integration of product and production platforms and their use in product realisation so manufacturing companies more efficiently can offer unique products and yet being agile to changes in markets, legislations, technology, and stakeholders’ demands’’, says Fredrik Elgh.
Do you want to know more about the project?
- Professor Product Development
- School of Engineering
- +46 36-10 1672