Cecilia Bjursell

Professor i pedagogik inriktning livslångt lärande
Avdelningen för pedagogik , Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation


Cecilia Bjursell, ekon.dr, är verksam som centrumledare för Encell – Nationellt centrum för livslångt lärande vid Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation i Jönköping. I sin forskning intresserar sig Bjursell för organisering, lärande, metaforer, organisationsetnografier samt narrativa ansatser i olika empiriska sammanhang. Tidigare studier har handlat om integrationsprocesser i företagsfusioner samt kvinnors företagande i familjeföretag.

Pågående projekt rör berättelser och äldres lärande, lärande mellan generationer, knowledge management i teknikföretag, kvalitetsarbete i vuxenutbildning samt utveckling av meritportföljer för samverkan mellan lärosäten och omvärlden. Bjursell har erhållit ett flertal utmärkelser för sin forskning.


Cecilia Bjursell erhöll en fil. kand. i psykologi med inriktning på arbetspsykologi och en fil. mag. i företagsekonomi med inriktning ekonomistyrning (samt civilekonom) vid Lunds universitet. 2007 disputerade hon i företagsekonomi vid Linköpings universitet med inriktning på integrationsprocessen i företagsfusioner.

Bjursell har närmast arbetat på Internationella handelshögskolan i Jönköping, både med forskning och praktiska utvecklingsprojekt. Hon har dessutom mångårig erfarenhet från undervisning och har varit programansvarig för de företagsekonomiska programmen på Handelshögskolan. Som centrumledare är samverkan med omvärlden en central del av uppdraget och Bjursell ingår i ett flertal styrelser, råd och nätverk.


Björklund Carlstedt, A., Bjursell, C., Nyman, R., Dahl Aslan, A. (2024). Older workers and extended working life - Managers' experiences and age management Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation. More information
Bjursell, C., Hedegaard, J., Hugo, M. (2024). Graffiti for seniors: Are the educational needs of older adults changing? Educational gerontology. More information
Bjursell, C., Sjödahl, C., Hedegaard, J. (2023). School Superintendents as Translators of Policy from the National to the Municipal Level: Emerging Discourse About an Evidence-Based Practice Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 27(3), 24-36. More information
Bjursell, C., Boström, A., Dybelius, A. (2023). Intergenerational learning in a changing world: Knitting generations together Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica: Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 18(2), 51-65. More information
Björklund Carlstedt, A., Jacobsson, G., Bjursell, C., Nystedt, P., Sternäng, O. (2022). Staffing agency: A bridge to working during retirement Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, 72(2), 529-537. More information
Bjursell, C. (2022). The orbit of life - re-presenting the past, place and people in late life learning International Journal of Education and Ageing, 5(2), 7-20. More information
Bjursell, C., Bergmo-Prvulovic, I., Hedegaard, J. (2021). Telework and lifelong learning Frontiers in Sociology, 6. More information
Bjursell, C. (2021). Äldres livslånga lärande Äldre i centrum, 78-80. More information
Hedegaard, J., Hugo, M., Bjursell, C. (2021). Folk High School as a supportive environment for participants with high-functioning autism Studies in Adult Education and Learning, 27(2), 15-32. More information
Almén, L., Bagga-Gupta, S., Bjursell, C. (2020). Access to and accounts of using digital tools in Swedish secondary grades: An exploratory study Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 19, 287-314. More information
Bjursell, C. (2020). The Covid-19 pandemic as disjuncture: Lifelong learning in a context of fear International Review of Education, 66, 673-689. More information
Bjursell, C., Engström, A. (2019). A Lewinian approach to managing barriers to university–industry collaboration Higher Education Policy, 32(1), 129-148. More information
Bjursell, C. (2019). Growth through education: the narratives of older adults Frontiers in Sociology, 4. More information
Bjursell, C. (2019). Inclusion in education later in life: Why older adults engage in education activities European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 10(3), 215-230. More information
Bjursell, C., Florin Sädbom, R. (2018). Mentorship programs in the manufacturing industry. More information
Björklund Carlstedt, A., Brushammar, G., Bjursell, C., Nystedt, P., Nilsson, G. (2018). A scoping review of the incentives for a prolonged work life after pensionable age and the importance of “bridge employment”. More information
Bjursell, C., Nystedt, P., Björklund, A., Sternäng, O. (2017). Education level explains participation in work and education later in life Educational gerontology, 43(10), 511-521. More information
Bjursell, C. (2016). When theories become practice—a metaphorical analysis of adult-education school-leaders’ talk European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 7(2), 191-205. More information
Bjursell, C. (2015). Organizing for Intergenerational Learning and Knowledge Sharing Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 13(4), 285-301. More information
Raudberget, D., Bjursell, C. (2014). A3 reports for knowledge codification, transfer and creation in research and development organisations International Journal of Product Development, 19(5/6), 413-431. More information
Bjursell, C. (2012). Forskning och vuxenutbildning i samverkan KOM : kommunikation mellan vuxenutbildare, 38(2), 4-6 Linköping: Fortbildningsavdelningen, Lärarhögskolan i Linköping . More information
Bjursell, C. (2011). Cultural divergence in merging family businesses The Journal of Family Business Strategy, 2(2), 69-77. More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2011). Proactive and reactive plots: Narratives in entrepreneurial identity construction International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 3(3), 218-235. More information
Bjursell, C., Bäckvall, L. (2011). Family business women in media discourse: the business role and the mother role Journal of Family Business Management, 1(2), 154-173. More information


Lüscher, K. Hoff, A. Viry, G. Widmer, E. Sánchez, M. Lamura, G. , ... Xiying W. (2017). Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz More information
Bjursell, C., Dobers, P., Ramsten, A. (2016). Samverkansskicklighet: För personlig och organisatorisk utveckling. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Bjursell, C. (2014). Sagor om mormor. More information


Bjursell, C. (2024). Lifelong learning and higher education. In: Sara Santesson & Sara Andersson (Ed.), Lifelong learning and Higher Education: New (and Old) Perspectives: Proceedings from the 2022 Lund University Conference on Teaching and Learning (pp. 11 -26). Lund: Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University More information
Bjursell, C. (2024). Lifelong learning: Politics and philosophy. In: Olav Eikeland & Hedvig Skonhoft Johannesen (Ed.), Lifelong learning: Expanding concepts and practices (pp. 59 -77). Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing Group More information
Bjursell, C., Malec Rawiński, M. (2022). Livslångt lärande som vägen till visdom. In: C. Bjursell & M. Malec Rawiński (Ed.), Äldres lärande: utblickar och insikter (pp. 11 -20). Stockholm: Natur och kultur More information
Bjursell, C. (2022). Existentiella perspektiv på lärande senare i livet. In: C. Bjursell & M. Malec Rawiński (Ed.), Äldres lärande: utblickar och insikter (pp. 65 -78). Stockholm: Natur och kultur More information
Bjursell, C. (2022). Senioruniversiteten i Sverige. In: C. Bjursell & M. Malec Rawiński (Ed.), Äldres lärande: utblickar och insikter (pp. 151 -178). Stockholm: Natur och kultur More information
Bjursell, C., Malec Rawiński, M. (2022). Lärande senare i livet i en svensk kontext. In: C. Bjursell & M. Malec Rawiński (Ed.), Äldres lärande: utblickar och insikter (pp. 331 -344). Stockholm: Natur och kultur More information
Bjursell, C., Schoultz, M. (2022). Forskning som etisk och moralisk handling. In: C. Bjursell & M. Malec Rawiński (Ed.), Äldres lärande: utblickar och insikter (pp. 345 -362). Stockholm: Natur och kultur More information
Engström, A., Bjursell, C. (2022). Att leda utbildningsorganisationer genom att integrera befintligt och nytt. In: Lene Foss & Joakim Krantz (Ed.), Skolchefers arbete: att leda ansvarsfullt i en föränderlig tid (pp. 91 -108). Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB More information
Bjursell, C., Hedegaard, J., Hugo, M. (2022). Att lära sig graffiti som pensionär. In: C. Bjursell & M. Malec Rawiński (Ed.), Äldres lärande: utblickar och insikter (pp. 105 -126). Stockholm: Natur och kultur More information
Bjursell, C. (2021). Tre perspektiv på livslångt lärande. In: Livslångt lärande - för välbefinnande, mångfald och delaktighet (pp. 22). Jönköping: Encell - Nationellt centrum för livslångt lärande More information
Bjursell, C. (2021). Jag vill 'tagga' livet – graffiti för seniorer. In: Livslångt lärande - för välbefinnande, mångfald och delaktighet (pp. 34 -35). Jönköping: Encell - Nationellt centrum för livslångt lärande More information
Bref, S., Bjursell, C., Hedegaard, J., Hugo, M. (2021). Seniorer som bryter normer – exemplet graffiti. In: Kenneth Abrahamsson, Lisbeth Eriksson, Martin Lundberg, Mats Myrstener & Lena Svensson (Ed.), Folkbildning & forskning: Årsbok 2021 (pp. 119 -123). Stockholm: Föreningen för folkbildningsforskning More information
Bjursell, C. (2020). Tractor Dad: From story to a scientific text, and back. In: A. Pullen, J. Helin & N. Harding (Ed.), Writing differently (pp. 53 -66). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited More information
Bjursell, C. (2020). Organisationsstrukturens rumsliga orientering. In: Johan Alvehus & Daniel Ericsson (Ed.), Om undran inför företagsekonomin (pp. 73 -88). Stockholm: Santérus Förlag More information
Bjursell, C., Engström, A. (2020). Horizontal structures – A fundamental but forgotten perspective for superintendents in school governance?. In: L. Moos, E. Nihlfors, & J. M. Paulsen (Ed.), Re-centering the critical potential of Nordic school leadership research: Fundamental, but often forgotten perspectives (pp. 107 -125). Cham: Springer More information
Bjursell, C. (2019). Sweden’s Senior University: Bildung and fellowship. In: M. Formosa (Ed.), The university of the third age and active ageing: European and Asian-Pacific perspectives (pp. 131 -142). Cham: Springer More information
Bjursell, C., Björklund Carlstedt, A. (2019). Bridge jobs. In: D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (pp. 1 -6). Cham: Springer More information
Bjursell, C. (2019). Professional development for older colleagues. In: H. Ahl, I. Bergmo Prvulovic & K. Kilhammar (Ed.), Human resource management: A Nordic perspective (pp. 140 -152). London, UK: Routledge More information
Bjursell, C., Ramsten, A. (2019). Livslångt lärande och kompetensförsörjning. In: Anna-Carin Ramsten, Mats Benner (Ed.), Forskningspolitik för en kunskapsberoende värld – samling för samverkan (pp. 118 -156). Stockholm: Vinnova - Sveriges innovationsmyndighet More information
Bjursell, C., Raudberget, D. (2019). Organising for knowledge and learning – a balancing act between divergent forces. In: H. Ahl, I. Bergmo Prvulovic & K. Kilhammar (Ed.), Human resource management: A Nordic perspective (pp. 42 -55). London, UK: Routledge More information
Bjursell, C. (2017). Transformative leadership: A Swedish case. In: Daphne Halkias, Joseph C. Santora, Nicholas Harkiolakis, Paul W. Thurman (Ed.), Leadership and Change Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (pp. 114 -119). More information
Bjursell, C. (2017). Äldre medarbetares kompetensutveckling. In: Helene Ahl, Ingela Bergmo Prvulovic & Karin Kilhammar (Ed.), HR: Att ta tillvara mänskliga resurser (pp. 177 -190). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Bjursell, C., Boström, A. (2017). Generation, relationer mellan generationer, generationspolicy: Ett mångspråkigt kompendium. In: Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Gil Viry & Eric Widmer, Mariano Sánchez, Giovanni Lamura & Marta Renzi, Andrzej Klimczuk, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell & Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė & Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak & Ayşe Canatan (Ed.), Generationen, Generationenbeziehungen, Generationenpolitik: Ein mehrsprachiges Kompendium (pp. 215 -236). More information
Bjursell, C., Raudberget, D. (2017). Organisering för kunskap och lärande: En balansgång mellan motsättningar. In: Helene Ahl, Ingela Bergmo Prvulovic & Karin Kilhammar (Ed.), HR: Att ta tillvara mänskliga resurser (pp. 59 -76). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Bjursell, C., Nordvall, H. (2016). Inledning. In: Folkbildningens frihet och värde: Metaperspektiv på folkhögskolor och studieförbund (pp. 7 -22). Stockholm: Folkbildningsrådet More information
Bjursell, C. (2016). Kvalitetsarbete i folkbildning. In: Folkuniversitetet (Ed.), Folkbildningens framtidsfrågor (pp. 41 -50). Stockholm: Folkuniversitetet More information
Bjursell, C. (2015). Metaphors in Communication of Scholarly Work. In: Helle Neergaard & Claire Leitch (Ed.), Handbook of Qualitative Research Techniques and Analysis in Entrepreneurship (pp. 170 -184). More information
Bjursell, C. (2015). The Critical Role of Language in Changing Culture: Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions. In: D.D. Warrick & Jens Mueller (Ed.), Lessons in Changing Cultures: Learning from Real World Cases (pp. 163 -171). Oxford: Rossi Smith Academic Publishing More information
Ramsten, A., Bjursell, C., Dobers, P. (2015). Meritvärde av samverkan: Projektrapport delprojekt 1B inom KLOSS. In: KLOSS, Kunskap och Lärande Om Strategisk Samverkan: Ett projekt där nio svenska lärosäten samarbetar för att utveckla strategisk samverkan (pp. 43 -54). Stockholm: Kungliga Tekniska högskolan More information
Bjursell, C. (2012). Karriärtopp vid 96 går som en dans. In: Cecilia Bjursell och Svante Hultman (Ed.), Leva hela livet (pp. 63 -66). Hestra: Isaberg Förlag More information
Bjursell, C. (2012). Ingen konst att jobba med konst. In: Cecilia Bjursell och Svante Hultman (Ed.), Leva hela livet (pp. 75 -78). Hestra: Isaberg Förlag More information
Bjursell, C. (2012). Hon har tid för lärande. In: Cecilia Bjursell och Svante Hultman (Ed.), Leva hela livet (pp. 69 -73). Hestra: Isaberg Förlag More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2012). Kvinnors berättelser om företagaridentitet. In: Brundin, E., Johansson, A.W., Johannisson, B., Melin, L. och Nordqvist, M. (Ed.), Familjeföretagande: Affärer och känslor (pp. 213 -226). More information
Bjursell, C., Bäckvall, L. (2012). Mediebilden av kompetenta arvtagerskor och drivna företagare. In: Brundin, Johansson, Johannisson, Melin och Nordqvist (Ed.), Familjeföretagande: Affärer och känslor (pp. 227 -250). Stockholm: SNS förlag More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2011). Förebilder för kvinnor i familjeföretag: var finns de?. In: Eva Blomberg, Gun Hedlund och Martin Wottle (Ed.), Kvinnors företagande: mål eller medel? Stockholm: SNS Förlag More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2011). Two-Fold Succession in a Family Business Matriarchy: A Swedish Case. In: Halkias, D., Thurman, P., Swiercz, P. Smith, C., & Nason, R. S. (Ed.), Father-Daughter Succession in Family Business: A Cross-Cultural Perspective London: Gower Publishers More information


Bjursell, C. (2017). Humboldt är död, länge leve Humboldt: Bokrecension av Bildningens praktiker. More information
Bjursell, C. (2014). The social contract: Between the generations By Bjarne Hastrup. More information
Bjursell, C. (2012). Book Review: Mary Barrett and Ken Moores, Women in Family Business Leadership Roles. Daughters on the Stage. More information


Bjursell, C., Johansson, A., Bergmo-Prvulovic, I., Engström, A. (2022). Higher education as learning organizations – An empirical study of education managers perception of their work situation. The 26th Biennial Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Örebro, Sweden, August 24 – 26, 2022. More information
Bjursell, C. (2022). How can higher education contribute to lifelong learning?. The 2022 Lund University Conference on Teaching and Learning, 17 november 2022. More information
Bjursell, C., Fagerström, B., Sundström, M., Söderbäck, A., Östling, J. (2022). Panel discussion: Lifelong learning in higher education: New (and old) perspectives. The 2022 Lund University Conference on Teaching and Learning, 17 november 2022. More information
Bjursell, C. (2022). Intergenerational learning in a hunting community. Bragança: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 12th Conference of the ESREA Research Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults, November 3-5, 2022, Bragança, Portugal. More information
Bjursell, C. Ahl, H. Almgren, S. Berglez, P. Bergström, J. Bertills, K. , ... Öhman C. (2022). Lifelong Learning Through Context Collapse: Higher education Teachers’ Narratives About Online education During The Pandemic. INTED2022 Conference, 7th-8th March 2022. More information
Bjursell, C., Lindberg, Y. (2021). Responsible implementation of AI in organizations as a trigger for learning. 15th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 8-9 March, 2021. More information
Ishäll, L., Aktaş, V., Bjursell, C., Ozturkcan, S., Bäcklund, J. (2021). Upplevelser av digitaliseringens effekter på lärandet, sociala interaktioner och arbetsmiljön: en kvalitativ pilotstudie under global pandemi. FALF 2021, "Hälsosamt arbetsliv - utopi eller verklighet?", Online, June 14-16, 2021. More information
Bjursell, C. (2021). Why do people engage in lifelong learning?. Inaugural lecture at the School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, 23rd September, 2021. More information
Dybelius, A., Bjursell, C. (2021). History as subject, life story and cultural activity. 11th conference of the ESREA Research Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults (ELOA), Bologna, Italy, 2021, 21-22 October. More information
Hoppe, M., Bjursell, C., Lindhult, E. (2021). Lyckade misslyckanden: Vad kan vi lära oss av att öppet börja prata om hur vi misslyckats med samverkan – över gränser?. HSS2021, "Samverkan över gränser", arrangerat av Malmö universitet, 6 maj 2021 (via Zoom). More information
Bjursell, C., Hedegaard, J., Hugo, M. (2021). Learning graffiti later in life. 11th conference of the ESREA Research Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults (ELOA), Bologna, Italy, 2021, 21-22 October 2021. More information
Bjursell, C., Bergmo-Prvulovic, I., Hedegaard, J., Hugo, M., Samuelsson, U. (2021). Continued growth later in life – older adults learning. European Society for Research in Adult Development (ESRAD), Online conference 2021, 23rd to 25th April, 2021. More information
Bjursell, C., Brink, S. (2021). Serial intergenerational learning: Turning absence to presence of grandmothers and mothers in our lives. 11th conference of the ESREA Research Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults (ELOA), Bologna, Italy, 2021, 21-22 October 2021. More information
Bjursell, C., Ramsten, A. (2020). University-industry collaboration to support lifelong education. INTED2019, 14th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, 2 - 4th of March, 2020. More information
Bjursell, C., Engström, A. (2019). Horizontal structures – A fundamental and forgotten perspective in school governance?. International Symposium at the Danish School of Education (DPU) in Copenhagen 10-11 October 2019: Fundamental but often forgotten perspectives on/in school and leadership.. More information
Björklund Carlstedt, A., Bjursell, C., Nystedt, P., Sternäng, O. (2019). Bridge employment – att arbeta efter 67. Arbetsterapiforum, Stockholm, 2-3 april, 2019. More information
Bjursell, C. (2019). E-mentorship for lifelong learning. INTED 2019, 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 11th - 13th of March, 2019, Valencia, Spain. More information
Hedegaard, J., Bjursell, C., Hugo, M. (2019). Inclusion of people diagnosed with high-functioning autism at Swedish folk high schools. 8th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning, Sustainable adult education and learning in organisational settings, 13-15 May 2019, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark. More information
Bjursell, C. (2018). A virtual study in higher education. INTED 2018, 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, March 5th-7th, 2018 — Valencia, Spain. More information
Bjursell, C. (2018). New challenges late in life – advanced studies for pensioners. Paper at the 9th Conference of the ESREA Research Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults (ELOA), University Of Faro, Portugal, 11-13 October 2018. More information
Bjursell, C., Sjödahl, C., Hedegaard, J. (2017). From national policy to local policy: Evidence based practice as a dominant idea. The 7th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning, Jönköping, 3-5 May, 2017.. More information
Bjursell, C., Chaib, M. (2017). ICT supported competence development: What difference does ICT make?. 26Th EDEN Annual Conference, Jönköping, 13 – 17 June 2017.. More information
Bjursell, C. (2017). The voice of the village. The 8th conference of the ESREA Network - ELOA 9 - 11 November 2017 - Leeds, UK. More information
Almén, L., Bjursell, C. (2017). High school students access to digital tools in education. EDULEARN 2017: 9th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning, Barcelona, 3rd - 5th of July, 2017.. More information
Bjursell, C., Florin Sädbom, R. (2017). Mentorship programs - a way to inclusion and diversity at the workplace. 7th Nordic Conference of Adult Education and Learning, Jönköping, 3-5 May, 2017.. More information
Bjursell, C., Florin Sädbom, R. (2017). Mentorship programs for workplace inclusion and learning. The SCUTREA Conference 2017: Adult Education for Inclusion and Diversity, Edinburgh, 4-6 July 2017.. More information
Bjursell, C., Engström, A. (2016). Barriers to managing knowledge and learning in university: Industry cooperation. 16th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference, Paris, 1-4 June, 2016. More information
Bjursell, C. (2016). Tales from the organization: Stories about quality work. 11th Organization Studies Summer Workshop 2016, Spirituality, Symbolism, and Storytelling, May 19–21, 2016, Mykonos, Greece.. More information
Bjursell, C. (2016). Prolonged working life - increased inequality?. Good Ageing - Better Society, The 23rd Nordic Congress of Gerontology (23 NKG), Tampere, Finland on 19–22 June 2016.. More information
Bjursell, C. (2016). Keynote speech: Images of women in family business. The 9th Diana International Research Conference 2016, Nord University Business School and Nordland Research Institute, June 12-14, 2016, Bodø, Norway.. More information
Bjursell, C. (2016). Older adults and the stories they tell. The 7th conference of the ESREA network ELOA at the Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Poland. More information
Bjursell, C. (2015). Older adults’ motivation for continued participation in work and learning. The 2nd Global Conference of International Human Resource Management, May 14-15, 2015, at the School of Labor and Employment Relations, Pennsylvania State University, USA.. More information
Bjursell, C. (2015). Collaborative authorship to engage in organizational knowledge sharing. Milan, Italy: EDUCatt - Ente per il diritto allo studio dell'Università Cattolica, OLKC, the Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference, Milan, 9-11 April, 2015. More information
Bjursell, C., Dobers, P., Ramsten, A. (2015). Samverkansskicklighet - en faktor för framstående forskning, för personlig och organisatorisk utveckling. HSS2015, Högskola och Samhälle i Samverkan, den 28-29 maj i Kalmar, Linnéuniversitetet.. More information
Bjursell, C., Dobers, P., Ramsten, A. (2015). University and industry collaboration – Incentives for individual researchers. 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference NFF 2015 – Business in Society, Copenhagen Business School, 12-14 August 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.. More information
Bjursell, C., Dobers, P., Ramsten, A. (2015). University and industry collaboration – Incentives for individual researchers. University-Industry Interaction Conference, June 24-26, Berlin, Germany.. More information
Enberg, C., Bjursell, C. (2014). Exploring circuits of knowledge through metaphors for knowledge integration. Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities conference (OLKC), Norwegian Business School, Oslo, 22 - 24 Apr 2014. More information
Bjursell, C. (2014). Active ageing through work and learning. Education and Learning of Older Adults (ELOA) 2014 Conference 'Innovations in older adult learning: Theory, research, policy', 22 - 24 October 2014, University of Malta, Valletta. More information
Bjursell, C. (2013). Knowledge management technology supporting individual learning preferences. The International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), Washington, DC, April 25-27, 2013. More information
Bjursell, C., Chaib, C. (2013). Social Representations of Theory and Practice in VET. Helix conference: Innovative Practices in Work, Organisation and Regional Development - Problems and Prospects, 12-14 June, 2013, Linköping, Sweden. More information
Boström, A., Bjursell, C., Boberg, K. (2013). Learning through intergenerational meetings: When, where and why?. ESREA triennial conference, September 4-7, 2013, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. More information
Bjursell, C. (2011). Metaphors in research and a note on academic authorship. The 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, July 6–9, 2011 ‘Reassembling Organizations’. More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2010). Ethnography and co-interpretation: qualitative methods in family business research. 10th IFERA "Long Term Perspectives on Family Business: Theory - Practice - Policy" Lancaster, UK 6 - 9 July, 2010. More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2010). To be or not to be in the family business?: Development of an entrepreneurial identity. 10th IFERA "Long Term Perspectives on Family Business: Theory - Practice - Policy" Lancaster, UK 6 - 9 July, 2010. More information
Bjursell, C., Bäckvall, L. (2010). Family business women in media discourse: Exploring the business role and the mother role. IFERA 10th Annual Family Businesses Research Conference, Lancaster 2010. More information
Larsson, A., Bjursell, C. (2009). Reflexivity through Introspection and Dialogue: A methodology for re-searching the familiarity of lived academic reality. 4th Annual International Ethnography Symposium. More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2009). Unwinding organizational culture: A study of a post-merger integration process between two family businesses. 5th EIASM Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, Hasselt University, 7-9 June, 2009. More information
Bjursell, C., Larsson, A. (2009). Bridging Types and Frames in the Organizational (Inter)Act: Type Casting of Female Researchers in Academia. 5th EIASM Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, Hasselt University, 7-9 June, 2009. More information
Kokk, G., Bjursell, C. (2009). Metaphors as tools for social change: observations from two M&A. 5th EIASM Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, Hasselt University, 7-9 June, 2009. More information
Bjursell, C. (2009). Heterogeneous frames and homogenizing activity: Dualistic tensions in a merger discourse. 5th EIASM Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, Hasselt University, 7-9 June, 2009. More information
Bjursell, C., Brundin, E., Melin, L., Florin Samuelsson, E. (2009). The Circle of Trust: The Logic and Praxis of Acquisitions in the Family Owned Business. EURAM 9th Conference, May 11-14, 2009, Liverpool, UK. More information
Bjursell, C., Bäckvall, L. (2009). Family business women in the media discourse: The fairytale heiresses and the down-to-earth tomboys. EURAM 9th Conference, May 11-14, 2009, Liverpool, UK. More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2008). Merging Two Family Businesses by Creating a New Ownership Logic. 8th Annual IFERA Conference 2008 'The Entrepreneuring Family', Breukelen, The Netherlands July 2nd-5th, 2008.. More information
Bjursell, C., Larsson, A. (2008). The yin and yang of organization: Applying Jung's terminology to take a closer look at management of shadows. 8th Annual IFERA Conference 2008 'The Entrepreneuring Family', Breukelen, The Netherlands July 2nd-5th, 2008.. More information
Bjursell, C. (2008). Standing at the crossroads: Four ways to the metaphor. 8th Annual IFERA Conference 2008 'The Entrepreneuring Family', Breukelen, The Netherlands July 2nd-5th, 2008.. More information
Bjursell, C., Brundin, E., Melin, L., Florin Samuelsson, E. (2008). The Circle of Trust: Management in Acquiring and Acquired Family Businesses. the 4th workshop on family firms management research, June 8-10, 2008, Naples, Italy. More information
Bjursell, C. (2007). An innovative organization or organi­zing innovatively after a merger?. the 4th workshop on family firms management research, June 8-10, 2008, Naples, Italy. More information
Bjursell, C. (2006). Managers understanding themselves as artifacts: A possibility for identity development during organizational change?. the 4th workshop on family firms management research, June 8-10, 2008, Naples, Italy. More information


Bjursell, C. (2021). Hej myndighet! . More information
Bjursell, C. (2021). Utbildningsutopi . More information
Bjursell, C. (2020). Mentorskap i pyjamas . More information


Bjursell, C. (2023). Lärande i arbetslivet: motivation, digitalisering och effekter [video]. More information
Bjursell, C., Jensdottir, J., Göransson, E., Sundelin, P., Henriks, G. (2021). Välmående, delaktighet och bildning – panelsamtal [video]. More information
Bjursell, C. (2021). Livslångt lärande för välbefinnande, mångfald och delaktighet [video]. More information
Engström, A., Bjursell, C. (2020). Lärande under pandemin [video]. More information
Bjursell, C., Engström, A. (2020). Reflektioner om distansmöten [text och video]. More information
Bjursell, C. (2013). Kartläggning av lärande mellan generationer och utvärdering av utbildningsaktiviteter i projektet Affärsnytta och sociala medier. More information
Bjursell, C. (2012). EMIL’s EY 2012 Programme of Events: Report from Encell – National centre for lifelong learning in Sweden. More information


(2022). Äldres lärande: utblickar och insikter. Stockholm: Natur och kultur More information
(2014). Berättelser från Norsjöbygden. Jönköping: Storyweb Sweden More information
(2012). Leva hela livet. Hestra: Isaberg Förlag More information


Bjursell, C. (2022). Lärande i arbetslivet: motivation, digitalisering och effekter. Jönköping: Encell - Nationellt centrum för livslångt lärande, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation More information
Ramsten, A., Bjursell, C., Engström, R. (2021). En hållbar infrastruktur för vuxnas livslånga lärande. More information
Bjursell, C. (2020). Tre perspektiv på livslångt lärande. Jönköping: Encell - Nationellt centrum för livslångt lärande, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation More information
Bjursell, C., Ramsten, A. (2019). Innovativ utbildningssamverkan för livslångt lärande. Jönköping: Encell - Nationellt centrum för livslångt lärande, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Jönköping University More information
Hugo, M., Hedegaard, J., Bjursell, C. (2019). Folkhögskolan som inkluderande miljö för deltagare med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Jönköping: Encell - Nationellt centrum för livslångt lärande, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation More information
Bjursell, C., Sjödahl, C. (2018). Vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet ikommuners styrdokument. More information
Bjursell, C., Florin Sädbom, R. (2017). Strategiskt mentorskap: Mentorskapsprogram för arbetsplatsförlagt lärande. Visby: Nomen förlag More information
Bjursell, C. (2015). Samverkanszoner: Om forskningsledares syn på samverkan. Visby: Nomen More information
Bjursell, C., Chaib, C., Falkner, C., Ludvigsson, A. (2015). Kvalitetsarbete i vuxenutbildning. Visby: Nomen förlag More information
Bjursell, C., Bergeling, I., Bengtsson Sandberg, K., Hultman, S., Ebbesson, S. (2014). Ett aktivt åldrande: pensionärers syn på arbete och lärande. Visby: Nomen förlag More information