Visiting scholar
CEnSE is happy to host Raluca Mariana Grosu from Bucharest University of Economic Studies as a visiting scholar during September.
Raluca Mariana Grosu, PhD, is a Lecturer of Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Business and Tourism, within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in Romania.
Highly passionate about entrepreneurship, with over 10 years of experience in academia - implicitly in teaching and researching about entrepreneurship - Raluca is the author/co-author of various books, chapters in edited books, scientific articles, and conference papers in the field. With a theoretical and practical background also consolidated during visiting/research stays at the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), the University of Seville (Spain) and the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy), she was involved in many specific activities: research projects, training courses for entrepreneurs, consultancy services for business startup, coordination of bachelor’s theses on entrepreneurial topics, including the articulation by students of viable business plans, some of which in the process of implementation. Furthermore, Raluca is a founding member of the FRESHconsult project. An unique project within Romanian academia, this implies the capitalization, in an innovative way, of students’ “fresh” ideas, through free generic consultancy activities they offer to micro and small Romanian businesses, under the strict coordination of the professors involved in the project.
Raluca is part of the Romanian Regional Science Association Board and member of the European Regional Science Association, the Regional Science Association International and the Association for Innovation and Quality in Sustainable Business. She is part of the editorial board of ‘Amfiteatru Economic’ and ‘Romanian Journal of Regional Science’ scientific journals. Her main general research areas cover entrepreneurship, regional science, and demographics, mainly focusing on relationships between entrepreneurship, migration, aging, and local and regional development.
On September 15, Raluca gave a CEnSE research seminar titled "Senior entrepreneurship in the context of the silver economy - Some evidence from Romania", a topic of both societal and academic relevance.