Attila Dioszegi

Professor Foundry Technology


ATTILA DIÓSZEGI explore the area of Foundry Technology. The research area is interdisciplinary, aiming to understand phenomena at casting production and assist foundries to produce casting with good quality. The research is focused on cast iron including gray-, compacted- and nodular cast iron. Phenomenon connected to the casting production process, such the liquid iron metallurgy, mould filling, interaction between the moulding material — mould atmosphere — molten metal, nucleation and inoculation, solidification and crystal growth, volume change, interdendritic flow and defect formation are included in his research area. The influence of microstructure and defects on the tensile properties are also included. A prominent activity included is modelling and simulation of casting phenomenon. A particular importance is dedicated for thermal analyses aiming to connect observed phenomenon to thermal processes and predict liquid metal quality before casting.


ATTILA started his carrier as a foundrymen at the age of ten. The youth house of his hometown runs a go-cart club manufacturing also components for go-carts. He is the only one who is willing to play in the sand box and make sand moulds for casting the steering wheel in aluminium alloys. Completely unconscious about the good basics in foundry technology obtained as a youth ATTILA DIÓSZEGI become an engineer in material science with focus in casting at Technical University of Cluj in Rumania, 1984. It was followed up with employments as foundry technician at Rumanian foundries. A steel foundry, IOB Bals and a cast iron foundry, IAIFO Zalau. The foundry carrier was continued in Sweden as a foundry worker at Traryds Metallgjuteri , 1986 and as a foundry trainee at Scandinavian Foundry School in Jönköping, 1989. Between 1990 and 2005, Attila is employed at Volvo´s Foundry in Skövde as pattern designer, casting simulation engineer, research engineer for development of cast materials and processes. 1999, he start as a part time PhD-student at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University. ATTILA become a PhD by defending the thesis: "On the Microstructure Formation and Mechanical Properties in Grey Cast Iron. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertation No. 871." in May 2004 and employed as Assistant Professor in Component Technology — Casting at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University.  ATTILA is adapted as Associate Professor in Foundry Technology at the same University, year 2008.