Felicia Gabrielsson Järhult

Lecturer Quality improvement and leadership
Doctoral Candidate

Hi, welcome to my homepage. I am working at Jönköping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare where I have a position as University lecturer and Phd student. My great interest is to collaborate, learn from, and with patients, their relatives and staff that may be needed to deliver and improve care.

Throughout my professional life, I have been active in improvement work and organizational development so that the health service will cooperate and conduct activities with patients and families to give them the best possible conditions to have good health.

For several years I have researched E-health, previously on digital systems for discharge care planning and in recent years on digital care services such as those offered in primary care by physicians. Earlier in my professional life I worked as an oncologist consultant and physiotherapist with a special interest in palliative care. Since 2019 I work together with a creative group of researchers in the Swedish network for research on digital health care services. Feel free to visit our website on the web: 

Swedish Collaboration on Digital Care Researchhttps://digitalcareresearch.se/