Per-Olof Bjuggren

Professor Emeritus
Economics , Jönköping International Business School
Professor Emeritus
CeFEO - Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership , Jönköping International Business School
Ph.D. in Science


Bjuggren´s research interest includes several areas related to industrial organization and institutions. More specifically there is a focus on the fields of the theory of the firm, family business, corporate governance and law and economics. Together with Professor Dennis E. Mueller he is editing a book entitled “The Modern Firm, Corporate Governance and Investment" that will be published this year by Edward Elgar publishing company. The book contains papers from two international workshops organized by Per-Olof Bjuggren during 2006 and 2007.

He is also associated with the Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO) at JIBS, the Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies (CESIS) at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and Ratio Institute in Stockholm.

Bjuggren has published articles in journals such as Applied Financial Economics, European Journal of Law and Economics, International Review of Law and Economics, Small Business Economics, Geneva Papers of Risk and Insurance and Family Business Review. Several articles have also been published in refereed international books. He has together with Arne M Andersson and Olle Ohlsson published industrial organization textbooks (in Swedish).


Per-Olof Bjuggren has a Master of Political Science from Lund University and took his PhD in Economics at Lund University in 1986. The PhD thesis is about vertical integration in the Swedish pulp and paper industry. A new theoretical paradigm, the transaction cost approach, is used. It is one of first studies that use this approach empirically. In 1994 he was appointed associate professor of Economics at Linköping University. Since 2006 he is Professor of Economics at Jönköping International Business School.

10 Selected Publications

1. "A Transaction Cost Perspective on Financial Distress and Capital Structure", The International Review of Law and Economics, no. 4, 1995.
2. “Competition for the Market in the Swedish Primary Health Care Sector", The International Review of Law and Economics, 18:529-541, 1998.
3. “Strategic Decision Making in Intergenerational Successions of Small and Medium-Sized Family Owned Businesses", (L-G Sund, co-author), Family Business Review, March, 2001.
4. “A Transaction Cost Rationale for Transition of the Firm within the Family", (L-G Sund, co-author), Small Business Economics, 19:123-133, 2002.
5. “Ownership of a Cultural Landmark — The Case of Gotha Canal" (H. af Donner, co-author), The International Review of Law and Economics, 21:499-519. 2002
6. “Organization of Successions of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises within the Family", (with L-G Sund), Family Business Review, December, 2005.
7. “Ownership, Control and Firm Performance: The Effects of Vote Differentiated Shares", (with Johan Eklund an Daniel Wiberg) , Applied Financial Economics, vol. 17, pp. 1323-1334, 2007..
8. “Industry Specific Effects in Investment Performance and Valuation of Firms", (with Daniel Wiberg), revised and accepted for publication in Empirica.
9. “Family-owned, limited close corporations and protection of ownership", (with Lars-Göran Sund), European Journal of Law and Economics, 23:273-283
10. “3.12-reglerna: en ekonomisk analys" (med Dan Johansson och Gunnar Du Rietz), Ekonomisk Debatt, nr 7, 2007.