Magnus Wessén

Associate Professor Materials and Manufacturing - Casting


Some of the research areas covered are:

  • Ferrite growth in nodular cast iron
  • Static mechanical properties in nodular cast iron
  • Microstructure formation and static mechanical properties in compacted graphite cast iron
  • Microstructure formation and mechanical properties of cast magnesium alloys
  • Gas flow during curing of sand cores
  • Microstructure formation and mechanical properties of rheocast Al- and Mg alloys


Magnus Wessén has a Master of Material Science from KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm and took his PhD within Casting of metals at KTH, in 1997. Since then he has had a part time position as Assistant Professor at Jönköping University, School of Engineering at the research group Component Technology - Castings.

The research areas covered over the years include cast irons, aluminium alloys as well as magnesium alloys; often with a strong modelling and simulation focus. Today he focuses most of his time on rheocasting of light metals.

He has published some 20 refereed published works in journals and scientific conferences and additionally many popular technical papers. He is in the editorial board of Journal of Materials Processing Technology and also a frequently used reviewer for various conference proceedings e.g. SPCI - International Symposium of Science and Processing of Cast Iron and S2P - International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites.