Ulf Seigerroth

Professor Informatics
Head of Research Area Information technology
Ph.D. in Science


Seigerroth's current research direction is towards issues concerning business and IT-alignment and transformation. Within this area more specific issues of interest are, enterprise modelling, enterprise architecture, information logistics, method engineering, co-design and, IT economics. His research is characterised by empirically driven and theory- and method informed development (action research). He is involved in different action research projects focusing on alignment of business processes and information systems and information logistics.


Ulf Seigerroth, born 1965 in Sweden, is Assistant Professor of “Enterprise modelling" at School of Engineering, Jönköping University; Assistant Professor of Informatics at Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University. He received his PhD in Information System Development in 2003 from Linköping University, Sweden.

Seigerroth has been employed at Jönköping University since 1994, first at The International Business School and from 2007 at the School of Engineering. Seigerroth has also had a position as Assistant Professor at University of Borås (2008 — 2009). Seigerroth is the co-founder of CenIT (Centre of Evolving IT in Networked organizations).

From 2004 to 2007 Seigerroth was Head of Department of Informatics at Jönköping International Business School. Seigerroth is one of the co-founders of GSI (Graduate School of Informatics) that was launched in April 2008. He is also part of the AIS special interest group SIGPrag.


Seigerroth is involved and/or responsible for courses on both bachelor and master level. The courses that he is involved in address issues like, business and IT-alignment, enterprise modelling, knowledge modelling and knowledge management, project management, IT-economics, and thesis on bachelor and master level.