Roland Persson

Professor of Educational Psychology
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Head of Subject Psychology


Dr. Persson is assigned mainly to the Human Resource Management Progamme in the field of Psychology. He belongs to the Encell Research Group, emphasises the importance of communicating science and its results to the surrounding community and has thus far initiated research projects into musical communication and learning; into the understanding of giftedness and talent in the various levels of education systems; Talent Management with an emphasis on what Google terms "smartcreatives", into gender roles and the measurement of its constructs; into ability climates in Europe and has of late also launched more theoretical studies of the individual, society and the significance of social evolution.  


Roland S Persson, PhD, FCollT, is professor of Educational Psychology and has a research orientation towards high achievement (talent), giftedness and macrosocial dynamics in relation to these. He is Fellow of the College of Teachers, London, England as well as member of and advisor to the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE).