Lars Pettersson

Research Fellow
Economics , Jönköping International Business School
CEnSE - Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics , Jönköping International Business School
PhD in Economics


Lars Pettersson graduated from Linköping University. He is nowadays a research fellow in Economics at Jönköping International Business School. Lars' main field of research and analyses is within the area of regional and urban Economics, with special focus on the housing market and residential location. As a PhD-student Lars accomplished a number of applied studies, both of “Stated Preference" and “Revealed Preference" type. Lars has also made economic evaluations of public policy projects and projects in housing companies.

Lars Pettersson defended his dissertation thesis on 11 January 2002. The title of his doctoral thesis is Location, Housing and Premises in a Dynamic Perspective.


Lars' doctoral thesis Location, Housing and Premises in a Dynamic Perspective consists of five individual essays, and a common introduction. The focus of the study is on location of households, and on the real estate sector. Several essays analyze household location in large-scale housing areas in urban regions. The empirical analyses in the thesis rest on small-scale samples of data. The first three essays employ a random choice model, exploring revealed preferences of households´ choice of location. These three studies are based on data collected through surveys. The fourth essay focuses on regional economic development, using a model of monopolistic competition. This essay stresses the importance of including the variety of service provision when analyzing regional economic performance. The fifth essay contains an empirical analysis of the market for office space in the Stockholm region. The dynamic behavior in the market is analyzed, using a small sample data set.