Åsa Wahlström Smith
Assistant Professor of Global Studies
Department of Natural and Social Sciences
, School of Education and Communication
Programme Manager of Global Studies
Research groups
Boards, committees etc.
School of Education and Communication -
Directors of Education
, Representative
Fattali, H., Smith, Å.
Learning from the outsiders-within: wearing the niqab in Swedish teacher profession and training Race Ethnicity and Education.
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Smith, Å.
Challenging the deportation regime: reflections on the research encounter with undocumented refugee children in Sweden Children's Geographies, 19(1), 101-112.
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Smith, Å.
Surviving through the kindness of strangers: can there be “wellbeing” among undocumented refugee children? International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 15(sup2).
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Smith, Å.
Beyond colour-blind intercultural education: Operationalising the concept of culture for future preschool teachers kritisk etnografi: Swedish Journal of Anthropology, 3(2), 37-53 Stockholm: Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi .
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Smith, Å.
'Hiding in plain sight': Daily strategies and fear management among undocumented refugee children in Sweden The Journal of Refugee Studies, 31(4), 588-604.
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