Kamran Rashidi
Kamran Rashidi is an assistant professor at the Department of Business Administration, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University, Sweden. In December 2019, he received his Ph.D. degree with a dissertation titled “Sustainable supplier selection in the logistics industry: A comparison of alternative approaches” in the field of business administration in School of Business, Economics, and Law at Gothenburg University. He also did a two-years postdoctoral research at Business Development and Technology Department in Aarhus University, Denmark. During that time, his research revolved around defining and measuring supply chain competitiveness in Danish multinational corporations.
His research focuses on supply chain management, sourcing, purchasing, supplier management, competitiveness, and implementing sustainability within the supply chain management context.
He has published scientific articles in different international journals including Journal of Cleaner Production, Expert Systems with Applications, Energy Economics, Transport Policy, and Benchmarking: An International Journal.
He is teaching in Advanced Supply Chain Management 1 & 2 at master’s level in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management program. He has also teaching experiences in different courses such as Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management & Strategy, Purchasing & Product Development, and Sustainability Principles & Practices.