Maria Riveiro

Professor Computer Science


Maria Riveiro’s research interests are at the intersection of human-computer interaction (HCI), machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). The unifying theme of her research is to investigate the potential of integrating ML/AI techniques with interactive visual analysis methods to support decision-making tasks. Currently, Prof. Riveiro research work focuses on Explainable AI (XAI) and Human-Centered AI (HCAI).


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Current research projects:

  • XPECT - How to Tailor Explanations from AI Systems to Users' Expectations, funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet). Consolidator Grant.
  • XAAI  - Explainable and Adaptable Artificial Intelligence, funded by The Knowledge Foundation (2025-2028).
  • AI4QAM - (End-to-End) AI for Quality Assurance in Manufacturing. Project funded by VINNOVA 2024-2027. We create user-friendly End-to-End AI for automated quality control of manufactured components that can adapt to different environmental conditions and product designs, with RISE, Husqvarna, Thule, Scania, Enodo Robotics and PVI Hydroforming.
  • MAIN - Managing AI integration,funded by The Knowledge Foundation (Jan 2025- Dec 2027).
  • SIP-DP Supporting Individual Prosthetic Design Preferences. Development and evaluation of an AI-based patient decision aid, funded by The Knowledge Foundation (2025-2028).
  • Research school Smart Industry Sweden with ITAB AB, Tobias Pettersson and Siemens Energy, Nils-Erik Ohlson.


  • EXPLAIN  - Evaluation of Explainable AI. EXplAIn tackles the challenge of evaluating users interacting with ML systems, aiming at developing a generic and integrative framework for evaluating human ML-system collaboration. Funded by The Swedish Research Council (Etableringsbidrag, Vetenskapsrådet, to 2023).
  • XAI-Pro - Explainable AI for product and service development; project under AFAIR (a multidisciplinary research project with a focus on applied AI; funded by The Knowledge Foundation). With Husqvarna and SAAB Training and Simulation. (2022-2024)
  • OptiPro – Optimization of prosthesis design according to Kansei Engineering and Machine Learning. This project brings together prosthetics, industrial product development and machine learning experts to improve the quality of prosthetic services and products for people who have undergone a lower-limb amputation.  Funded by The Knowledge Foundation. (2021-2024)
  • SMARTER 2.0 Competence development within AI for professionals, 2019-2023, led by Örebro University. Funded by The Knowledge Foundation.


Maria Riveiro is a Professor of Computer Science at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University (JU), Sweden. Prior to joining JU, Prof. Riveiro worked for several years at the University of Skövde, Sweden, being named Docent in 2015 and Assoc. Prof. of Informatics in 2017. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Örebro University (2011) and a Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Vigo, Spain (2004). She has held several positions in the industry as a consultant and software engineer in Finland and Spain.

Maria Riveiro has experience teaching at undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels in several areas of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering; she has pedagogical education; in 2014, Maria Riveiro received the merited title of “Accomplished Teaching Lecturer” from the University of Skövde. Prof. Riveiro is currently supervising several doctoral students in the areas of visual analytics, interpretable and interactive ML, neural networks, human-robot interaction, etc.