Lucia Lattanzi

Assistant Professor Materials and Manufacturing - Casting


Lucia's research interests are the performance and production of Al-based alloys and their composites. Her research currently focuses on cast Al-Si alloys and their reinforcement with SiC particles to obtain metal matrix composites (MMCs). The research projects also contribute to improving sustainability in the aluminium field.

Ongoing research project:

  • MaReAl - Manufacturing of Al-MMC brake discs from recycled Al-Si alloys. Funded by Vinnova (Metalliska Material).

Completed research projects:

  • LISA - Low Impact of Sustainable Aluminium. Funded by Vinnova (Lighter).
  • ProForAl - Properties and formability of Al-SiCp MMCs. Funded by The Knowledge Foundation (Prospekt, KK-Stiftelsen).


Lucia holds Bachelor (2014) and Master (2016) degrees in Materials Engineering from the University of Padua (Padua, Italy), with thesis projects developed within the Metallurgy research group.

In April 2020, she received her PhD in Engineering Science from the University of Ferrara (Ferrara, Italy). Her thesis project focused on the influence of alloying elements and melt treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the Al-7Si-Mg cast alloys.
The activities were in collaboration with the Mazzucconi Foundries (Ponte San Pietro, Italy) and the Department of Materials and Manufacturing at the Jönköping University (Jönköping, Sweden), where she spent six months as a visiting PhD student.

In 2020, she got a research fellowship within the RIMMEL project, focusing on the mechanical and microstructure characterization of additively manufactured Al-10Si alloys after thermal exposure.

In February 2021, she joined the Department of Materials and Manufacturing at the Jönköping School of Engineering as a postdoc researcher. She is the project leader of the ProForAl project (Prospekt, KK-Stiftelsen) and the MaReAl project (Vinnova), which focuses on Al-Si-based metal matrix composites. She is also the project leader of the feasibility study LISA (Vinnova, Lighter), which focuses on the sustainability and cost calculation of an automotive value chain in collaboration with Lund University.

In February 2024, she was promoted to Assistant Professor in the Light Alloys research group. 

Research profiles: ORCiD  Scopus  ResearchGate