Joakim Wikner

Professor Logistics

Docent, Tech. Dr.


Logistics and supply chain management in general, and manufacturing based logistics in particular, has played a key role in Joakim´s interests since the early 90´s. The logistics research at the School of engineering is focused on manufacturing intensive supply chains with an emphasis on planning and control, the interaction interface with customers and suppliers, and inventory management and materials handling. The point of departure is consistently a value driven and process based systems approach as a foundation for our research, but our focus is on identifying a competitive balance between efficiency and responsiveness. In our research we strive for combining conceptual theory development and application of these, and other, concepts in industrial contexts.


After 20 years in Linköping, Joakim joined JTH in October 2006 where he is professor in Logistics and Operations Management. Extensive part of his time at Linköping was devoted to Linköping University where he graduated with an MSc in Computer Science and Technology in 1991. Beginning in 1989 he also spent one year in Cardiff University, Wales where he obtained an MSc in Systems Engineering. In 1991 he joined the department of Production Economics at Linköping University as a doctoral student and graduated as Tech. Dr. in Production Economics in 1994 and then worked there as a part time lecturer until 2006. During the period of 1997-2006 he worked 60% of his time in industry, mainly with ERP systems, at Intentia Consulting and later at IFS R&D. In 2006 he received the Swedish “Docent" diploma from Linköping University. Joakim saw the light of the day for the first time in 1964 and spent his childhood and adolescence in Persåsen, Jämtland, Sweden.