Kurt Sandkuhl

Professor Information technology


Information Logistics has been one of Kurt Sandkuhl´s main research interests during the last ten years. Not to have the right information can turn out expensive and cause substantial problems for enterprises. Logistics of information is important in work processes, decision making and planning activities. Exploring and developing new concepts and innovative approaches for improving information flow are in the centre of information logistics research. From a technical perspective, this is based on enterprise models and information demand models, on enterprise ontologies and techniques for semantic matching and on software and information architectures.


Kurt Sandkuhl, born 1963 in Germany, is Professor of Information Engineering at School of Engineering, Jönköping University and Professor of Informatics at Jönköping International Business School. He received a diploma (Dipl.-Inform.) and a PhD (Dr.-Ing.) in computer science from the Technical University of Berlin in 1988 and 1994, respectively. Furthermore, he received the Swedish “Docent" diploma (postdoctoral lecturing qualification) from Linköping University, Institute of Technology, in 2005.

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