Sandra Karlsson
Research groups
Boards, committees etc.
Martensson, L., Gunnarsson, B., Karlsson, S., Lee, N., Bergh, I.
Effect of topical local anaesthesia on injection pain associated with administration of sterile water injections - a randomized controlled trial BMC Anesthesiology, 22(1).
More information
Diaz Cruz, M., Ulfenborg, B., Blomstrand, P., Faresjö, M., Ståhl, F., Karlsson, S.
Characterization of methylation patterns associated with lifestyle factors and vitamin D supplementation in a healthy elderly cohort from Southwest Sweden Scientific Reports, 12(1).
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Diaz Cruz, M., Karlsson, S., Szekeres, F., Faresjö, M., Lund, D., Larsson, D.
Differential expression of protein disulfide-isomerase A3 isoforms, PDIA3 and PDIA3N, in human prostate cancer cell lines representing different stages of prostate cancer Molecular Biology Reports, 48, 2429-2436.
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Gillsjö, C., Karlsson, S., Ståhl, F., Eriksson, I.
Lifestyle's influence on community-dwelling older adults' health: A mixed-methods study design Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 21.
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Karlsson, S., Diaz Cruz, M., Faresjö, M., Khamou, A., Larsson, D.
Inhibition of CYP27B1 and CYP24 Increases the Anti-proliferative Effects of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3in LNCaP Cells Anticancer Research, 41(10), 4733-4740.
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Diaz Cruz, M., Lundh, D., Szekeres, F., Karlsson, S., Faresjö, M., Larsson, D.
Cis-regulatory elements in conserved non-coding sequences of nuclear receptor genes indicate for crosstalk between endocrine systems Open Medicine (Poland), 16(1), 640-650.
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Tompa, A., Åkesson, K., Karlsson, S., Faresjö, M.
Suppressed immune profile in children with combined type 1 diabetes and celiac disease Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 201(3), 244-257.
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Conference paper
Tompa, A., Åkesson, K., Karlsson, S., Faresjö, M.
Suppressed immune profile in children with type 1 diabetes in combination with celiac disease.
ESCCA 2019, Flowrescence in the Fjords, Bergen, Norway, 18-21 September 2019.
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Other publications
Diaz Cruz, M., Ulfenborg, B., Faresjö, M., Ståhl, F., Karlsson, S.
Vitamin D supplementation is correlated with PDIA3 gene variants in an elderly healthy cohort from Southwest Sweden.
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