Nina Åkerlund

Assistant Professor Social Work
Deputy Head of Department
Department of Social work , School of Health and Welfare


Nina serves as an university lecturer in Social Work within the Department of Social Work. Her research interests encompass men's violence against women and violence in close relationships, as well as the experiences of children exposed to violence and their opportunities for voice.


Åkerlund, N & Gottzén, L (2016) Children´s voices in research with children exposed to intimate partner violence: A critical review. Nordic Social Work Research 7(1): 42-53.

Åkerlund, N & Sandberg, L (2016) Children and Violence Interactions: Exploring Children´s Experiences of Responses. Child Abuse Review 26(1): 51-62.

Åkerlund, N (2017) Caring or Vulnerable Children? Sibling relationships When Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence. Children & Society 31(6): 475-485.

Åkerlund, N (2018) ‘They could have defended my mum and me’: Children´s perspectives on grandparent responses to intimate partner violence. Families, Relationships and Societies. DOI: 10.1332/204674318X15199991640641.

Åkerlund, N., Ekström, V., & Johansson, D. (2023). Examensmålet mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer : socionom- och sjuksköterskestudenters uppfattningar om sin kunskap, erfarenhet och förmåga gällande våld i nära relationer i början och slutet av utbildningen. Social-medicinsk tidskrift, 100(2), 321-335. 

Anthology contributions

Boström, A., Lindmark, U., Ludvigsson, M., Saveman, B., Simmons, J., Siverskog, A., Åkerlund, N. (2022). Förekomsten av våld i nära relationer bland äldre personer. In: L. Östlund (Ed.), Äldre personers utsatthet för våld i nära relationer: Interprofessionella perspektiv (pp. 31 -64). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information

Eriksson, M., Källström, Å., & Näsman, E. (2023). Barns röster om våld : att lyssna, tolka och förstå (Tredje upplagan ed.). Gleerups.


Åkerlund, N. (2017). Children´s relation in the proximity of violence: Response, positions and the possibility to children´s voices. Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Social Work, Linköping University.


Nina is leading a research project on students' perspectives on learning and teaching about intimate partner violence and men's violence against women. The overarching aim of the project is to examine the extent to which the government's intention to enhance students' knowledge of men's violence against women and intimate partner violence (IPV) has achieved the intended effect at x educational institutions. The project is interdisciplinary, employing both qualitative and quantitative methods. The project is funded by the Swedish Gender Equality Agency and Jönköping University.

Other Duties

Nina is a member of the recruitment committee at the School of Health and Welfare.

Nina is part of the reference group for Barnafrid concerning the Higher Education Pedagogical Network on violence against children and youth.