Hanna Ahonen

Assistant Professor
Department of odontology and oral health , School of Health and Welfare

Hanna Ahonen is a registered Dental Hygienist and work at the department of Odontology and Oral Health. She has a Master's Degree in Oral Health Sciences and in June 2022 she defended her doctoral thesis with the title “The multifaceted concept of oral health- studies on a Swedish general population and perspectives of persons with experience of long-term CPAP-treated obstructive sleep apnea”. The project aimed to study oral health in two populations; one general adult population and one specific population of adults diagnosed with hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea. 

Oral health is an essential part of our general health and well-being. In 2016/17, World Dental federation proposed an new definition of oral health accompanied by a theoretical framework to describe oral health, its driving determinants, moderating factors and the connection with general health and well-being. The theoretical framework was set as the basis for exploration for included studies in the doctoral thesis. 

Hanna's research area is Oral Health with a special interest in the connections among general and oral health with a focus on sleep medicine, but also public dental health.