Kristina Berggren
Programme Manager dental hygienist programme
Boards, committees etc.
Ahonen, H., Berggren, K., Kvarnvik, C., Sunnergren, O., Lindmark, U., Broström, A., Stensson, M.
Prevalence of dental caries in persons with or without long-term experience of positive airway pressure-treated obstructive sleep apnoea International Journal of Dental Hygiene.
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Kramer, A., Wright, B., Berggren, K., Lundsbakken, L., Hopkins, K., Ahonen, H., Lindmark, U.
Impact of a Case-Based Sleep Apnoea Education on the Knowledge, Attitudes and Confidence of Dental Hygiene Students: A Multicentre Intervention Study International Journal of Dental Hygiene.
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Berggren, K., Broström, A., Firestone, A., Wright, B., Josefsson, E., Lindmark, U.
Oral health problems linked to obstructive sleep apnea are not always recognized within dental care—As described by dental professionals Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, 8(1), 84-95.
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