Disa Bergnehr

Senior Lecturer Social Work
Department of Social work , School of Health and Welfare



Bergnehr's current research interests are immigrant parenthood and family life, schooling and parenting in disadvantaged areas, school - home relations, media representations of singe parenthood, family policies, children's health and well-being, parent support services, and children's emotional and moral socialization in preschools. 

Bergnehr is part of the reserach project 'Single parents in Swedish media: Representations of lone parenthood 2010-2020', funded by Riksbankens Jubilemsfond (PI Professor Helena Wahlström Henriksson, Uppsala University). Bergnehr is the principal investigator of the research project ‘Resettlement strategies in families: Immigrant parenting, adolescent development, and psychological health’, funded by the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte). The project cooperates with the reserach programme LoRDIA (Longitudinal Research on Development in Adolescence (PI: Professor Arne Gerdner, Jönköping University). Moreover, Bergnehr is part of the research programme ‘Communicating emotions, embodying morality: A sociocultural perspective on affective and moral socialization in families and in early education’ (PI: Professor Asta Cekaite, Linköping University), funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

Bergnehr has a degree in psychotherapeutic work, and experiences of clinical practice. She lectures in social work, teacher training, child studies, migration and ethnicity studies, and family studies.

For more information: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Disa_Bergnehr


Bergnehr is Professor of Education, Linnaeus University, and Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Jönköping University. Her PhD thesis, 'Timing parenthood: Independence, Family and Ideals of Life' (2008), the Department of Child Studies, Linköping University, was part of the project 'Family and working life in the 21st century: Follow-up studies of the life choices of young adults' (YAPS), with Professor Eva Bernhardt, Stockholm University, as the primary investigator. 

Bergnehr has a degree in psychotherapeutic work, and experiences of clinical practice. She lectures in social work, teacher training, psychology, child studies, migration and ethnicity studies, and family studies.


Bergnehr, D., Aronson, O., & Enell, S. (2020). Friends through school and family: Refugee girls’ talk about friendship formation. Childhood, https://doi.org/10.1177/0907568220923718.

Bergnehr, D. (2020). Adapted fathering for new times: Refugee men’s narratives on caring for home and children. Journal of Family Studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/13229400.2020.1769708

Ander, B., Fransson, E. I., Bergnehr, D., & Gerdner, A. (2020). Onset of substance use among early adolescents in Sweden. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. https://doi.org/10.1080/1533256X.2020.1748973.

Bergnehr, D. & Wahlström Henriksson, H. (2020). Hardworking women: Representations of lone mothers in the Swedish daily press. Feminist Media Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2019.1704815.

Billmayer, J., Gripson Pastorek, M., & Bergnehr, D. (2019). A becoming, humanist child: An analysis of learning and care in the Swedish curriculum for the preschool (Lpfö 18). Education in the North, 26(1), 42-55. 

Bergnehr, D. (2019). Barnperspektiv, barns perspektiv och barns aktörskap - en begreppsdiskussion. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk och kritikk, 5, 49-61. DOI https://doi.org/10.23865/ntpk.v5.1373.

Bergnehr, D. (2018). Children’s influence on wellbeing and acculturative stress in refugee families. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 13:sup1, 1564517, DOI: 10.1080/17482631.2018.1564517. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17482631.2018.1564517

Cekaite, A. & Bergnehr, D. (2018). Affectionate touch and care: Embodied intimacy, compassion and control in early childhood education. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. DOI: 10.1080/1350293X.2018.1533710.

Bergnehr, D. (2018). Efter flykten: Migrationens innebörder och förändrade villkor för barn och föräldrar som beviljats uppehållstillstånd i Sverige. I Johansson, T. & Sorbring, E., Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap: En  grundbok (pp. 379-391). Stockholm: Liber. 

Bergnehr, D. & Cekaite, A. (2017). Adult-initiated touch and its functions at a Swedish preschool: Controlling, affectionate, assisting and educative haptic conduct. International Journal of Early YearsEducationdoi.org/10.1080/09669760.2017.1414690

Ander, B., Abrahamsson, A., & Bergnehr, D. (2017). ‘It is ok to be drunk, but not too drunk’: Party socializing, drinking ideals, and learning trajectories in Swedish adolescents’ discourse on alcohol use. Journal of Youth Studies. doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2016.1273515

Bergnehr, Disa (2017) 'Caring in the present and fostering for the future: Iraqi mothers’ reconstruction of belonging during resettlement in Sweden'. Sociologisk forskning, 54: 51-68. http://du.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1085283/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Bergnehr, Disa (2017) 'Limited but committed parents: Primary school personnel negotiating good parenthood in a disadvantaged area'. In, Doing good parenthood: Ideals and practices of parental involvement, [eds] Sparrman, A., Westerling, A., Lind, J., & Dannesboe, I. K. Palgrave Macmillan.

Bergnehr, Disa (2016) ‘Mothering for discipline and educational success: Welfare-reliant immigrant women talk about motherhood in Sweden’. Women’s Studies International Forum, 54: 29-37. doi:10.1016/j.wsif.2015.11.003

Bergnehr, Disa (2016) 'Unemployment and conditional welfare: Exclusion and belonging in immigrant women's discourse on being long-term dependent on social assistance.' International Journal of Social Welfare, 25: 18-26. doi: 10.1111/ijsw.12158.

Bergnehr, Disa (2015) Advancing home-school relations through parent support? Ethnography and Education, 10(2): 170-184.

Bergnehr, Disa (2015) 'Föräldrastöd genom skolan: Diskursiva tillämpningar av nationell politik inom en svensk kommun' (Parent support through the schools: The discursive recontextualisation of national policies in a Swedish local authority). Nordic Studies in Education, 35(1), 70-83.

Bergnehr, Disa & Zetterqvist Nelson, Karin (2015) 'Where is the child? A discursive exploration of the positioning of children in research on mental-health-promoting interventions.' Sociology of Health and Illness, 37(2): 184-197.

Bergnehr, Disa (2014) Att (sam)verka för barns hälsa och lärande i mötet mellan socialtjänst och skola - en forskningsöversikt. Stockholm: Stockholm Stad.

Wells, Michael & Bergnehr, Disa (2014) 'Families and family policies in Sweden', pp. 91-107. I Robila, Mihaela (ed.), Handbook of Family Policies Across the Globe. New York: Springer.

Bergnehr, Disa (2013) 'Att handleda en doktorand - en relationell balansgång som fordrar flexibilitet och struktur'. Högre utbildning, 3(3): 173-185.

Complete list of publications, see DIVA: 
