Björn Domeij

Research Fellow Materials and Manufacturing


Björn’s research aims to advance the understanding of the solidification and the complex conditions under which the defects are formed in Cast Irons. This involves investigating how the various solidification units develop and interact and how the local chemical composition evolves over the course of solidification.

The research is performed in collaboration with Scania CV AB, Volvo Powertrain Production Gjuteriet AB, Swerea SWECAST under the research project “SPOFIC II” within the Swedish Casting Innovation Center (CIC) financed by Vinnova. The aim of the project is to develop tools that will assist foundry engineers and designers in foreseeing and avoiding defective castings which will allow for cost savings and increased component performance.


Björn grew up in Piteå, a small town in the north of Sweden. In 2009 he moved to Jönköping to study Mechanical Engineering at Jönköping School of Engineering. Studies were extended with a Master program in Product Development and Materials, under which cast materials became a particular interest. The program was finalized with a research oriented thesis work on cast iron. As of 2014 he studies for a PhD at the university’s department of materials and manufacturing in the field of foundry technology.