Nina Gunnarsson

Senior Lecturer Social Work
Department of Social work , School of Health and Welfare

Nina Veetnisha Gunnarsson’s research interest centres on mental health and mental health problems, addiction, and theoretically embedded research in micro sociology (e.g. symbolic interaction) and the sociology of emotions, with a special focus and interest in the experiences of shame, identity work and discourse, narrative analysis.

Current research projects:

  • Self-harm as a Social Order (Aimee Ekman)
  • Obesity and Shame (Aimee Ekman)
  • Autoethnographic Projects
  • The Mission of Student Health Services
  • School Counselors' Work in Schools with Low Academic Performance (Doctoral Project)
  • Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Ableist Microaggression Inventory (AMI) together with Cecilia Moberg, Red Cross University College, as well as Ageism and Disability. 


Nina Veetnisha Gunnarsson is a senior lecturer in social work at Jönköping University. She started her research journey in an interdisciplinary doctoral program at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm and received her PhD in humanistic medicine (medical sociology) in December 2011. Her thesis explored the everyday practical and interactional strategies used by parents, particularly mothers, in parenting children with allergies, and in particularly such contexts and relations where their parental self and identity may be at stake (e.g. the interview context).  

Nina V Gunnarsson serves as a reviewer for a number of international scientific journals.