Nina Edh

Assistant Professor Production Systems
Programme Dir Supply Chain Operations Management


Nina Edh Mirzaei has always been interested in operations management, primarily the work on the shop floor and the interactions among the people, and people and machines. This interest in human interactions has significantly influenced her research. The research focus has been on the individuals in the operations function. While the PhD project centered around manufacturing strategy formation and strategic consensus among workers and managers she currently works within the ProdHög research project, funded by the Jönköping Region, where she studies critical factors for sustained competiveness for companies in a high cost environment. She is also interested in social sustanability, industrial networks and production innovation, in particular, how workers participate in innovation processes.

Nina is a member of the Advisory board for the regional initiative Automation Småland and of the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) board.


Nina Edh Mirzaei holds an MSc in Production Systems from Jönköping University and a PhD in Technology management and economics from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. She defended her PhD thesis with the title "Involving individuals in the manufacturing strategy formation: Strategic consensus among workers and managers" in January 2016.