Yuliya Khvatsik

Assistant Professor
Commercial and Tax Law , Jönköping International Business School

Yuliya Khvatsik's research focuses on strengthening consumer protection in the digital economy and the legal aspects of digitalization in the economy (special legal regimes, smart contracts, digital services, and artificial intelligence), Human Rights and Clinical Legal Education.
She is also interested in FinTech and EdTech trends.

Yuliya obtained her Ph.D. in Feb. 2013 from the Law School of Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus). Her doctoral thesis was about consumer protection in the finance sphere.

She has a lot of teaching experiences (about 12 years) in different courses at both the bachelor’s and master’s degree levels: business law, legal aspects of the digital economy, consumer protection law, banking and investment law, family law, and soft skills of lawyers. Yuliya promotes practical-oriented and interactive teaching methodology. In 2020 she created a free online course, “Digital Tools for Online Teaching.”.

During her Fulbright research visiting professorship at Columbia University (New York, USA), she was able to participate as the assistant of the course coordinator for Legal Ethics and Professional Responsivity of Lawyers, which was an elective course open for master's students from the legal study program.

During 2015-2020 Yuliya had been cooperating closely with the Raul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at Lund University, developing human rights education components through clinical legal education.
In 2019 she obtained the Visby Visiting Researcher Scholarship from the Swedish Institute with the topic “Clinical Human Rights Education.”.

She has published scientific articles in different journals in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. She is a member of several international associations (GAJE, ENCLE, MERI).

Yuliya's Google scholar account

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