Joel Hedegaard

Assistant Professor of Education
Department of Education , School of Education and Communication


In 2014 Joel Hedegaard publicly defended his doctoral thesis "The
Production and Maintenance of Inequalities in Health Care - A
communicative perspective." The thesis aims to contribute to our
understanding of how discrimination is expressed in interpersonal- and
organizational communication within health care, and highlight
educational implications for health care practices.

Hedegaard's research focuses on lifelong learning in the workplace in relation to gender. The research question is: “How is gender produced/reproduced in micro-systems and how does this influence health care?".

Hedegaard's research project is part of "Bridging the gaps", a research consortium with participants from Jönköping's county council's research and development center Futurum and Qulturum, the universities of Jönköping, Växjö and Linköping, Uppsala Clinical Center and Dartmouth Medical School. Bridging the gaps is financed by Vinnova's Vinnvård program.  


In 2008 Joel Hedegaard was accepted as a PhD student in Education at the School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University. Joel received his bachelor's degree in Health Promotion and Education at Kristianstad University in 2004 and his master's degree in Education at Lund University in 2005.