Rebecka Florin Sädbom

Assistant Professor of Didactics
Department of Natural and Social Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Head of Subject Social Studies including Geography

Assistant Professor in didactics

Department of Subject Didactics and Global Studies, School of Education and Communication 


Rebecka Florin Sädbom, Ph.D., Assistant professor in didactics with a focus on social studies.


Rebecka Florin Sädbom earned her Ph.D. in 2015. Her dissertation is titled In an Era of Restructuring of the Educational System in Sweden, Didactic Tension Between Managing by Objectives and Student Learning: A Study of Teachers’ Talk About and Staging of Curricular Objectives in the Goal- and Results-Oriented School. Her dissertation research relates both to curriculum theory and lifeworld hermeneutics. The results of this research provide insights into what is required of teachers when they collectively examine and rethink their teaching practices so that students are given the opportunity to master the skills outlined in elementary school curricula.

Other research interests are social science didactics, university education and teacher education. Florin Sädbom is currently part of a research team in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology (LTU) that is studying the training school project initiated by the Swedish government in 2014 and continuing until 2019.

The purpose of the training school project is increasing the focus on and improving the quality of the practice-based component of teacher training. The research concerns, among other things, how scoring rubrics are used and understood by practicum supervisors and students. Florin Sädbom is also a member of the evaluation group tasked with evaluating the training school activities at Jönköping University until 2019.


Rebecka Florin Sädbom has a bachelor's degree in religious studies and master's degrees in teaching and social studies. A trained and certified secondary school teacher in social science and religion, she has been a professional secondary school teacher.

Florin Sädbom has established and been a member of a network for lead teachers in Jönköping County. She has designed targeted skills development courses for lead teachers and is currently conducting research circles for teachers through action research by commission of Halmstad University.

Florin Sädbom has been employed at the School of Education and Communication since 2008 and is engaged in research and teaching in the field of teacher education.