Anette Johansson

Head of Department
Assistant Professor Work Organisation

Research profile

Anette's research focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship in established firms, particularly in a context characterized by uncertainty. Anettes research projects are typically conducted in collaboration with the business society. Past projects include innovation capabilities among small and medium sized manufacturing firms and digital innovation in the newspaper industry. A current project (PropAIr) is linked to the research profile AFAIR within SPARK at JU and focuses on how the industry can proactively work with its leadership and organization to integrate artificial intelligence into its operations. The project KOMPET seeks new knowledge and new ways of working to secure the supply of skills for the Swedish metal industry. Anette is also active in the development project AI Readiness 2.0 in collaboration with Science Park Jönköping, aimed at small and medium-sized regional companies.


Anette has a PhD in Business administration from Jönköping International Business School (JIBS, 2014) and prior work experience from business development and marketing in B2B and B2C industries. She has work experience as a teacher and research at the School of Engineering and at JIBS, as Head of Department and Associate Dean of Faculty.

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