Lars Pettersson

Nationalekonomi , Jönköping International Business School
CEnSE - Centrum för entreprenörskap och regional utveckling , Jönköping International Business School
Ekonomie Doktor
För en presentation av Lars Pettersson, se engelska presentationsidan.


Wixe, S., Pettersson, L. (2020). Segregation and individual employment: a longitudinal study of neighborhood effects The annals of regional science, 64(1), 9-36. More information
Mellander, C., Pettersson, L., Öner, Ö. (2011). Culture City Journal of Town and City Management, 2(3), 246-262. More information


Eklund, J., Pettersson, L. (2017). Högskola i otakt. Stockholm: Dialogos Förlag More information


Eklund, J., Pettersson, L. (2019). Education, human capital spillovers and productivity: Evidence from swedish firm level production functions. In: E. Lehmann & M. Keilbach (Ed.), From Industrial Organization to Entrepreneurship: A Tribute to David B. Audretsch (pp. 203 -223). More information
Hacker, S., Klaesson, J., Pettersson, L., Sjölander, P. (2013). Regional economic concentration and growth. In: Johan Klaesson, Börje Johansson, Charlie Karlsson (Ed.), Metropolitan regions: Knowledge infrastructures of the global economy (pp. 117 -139). Berlin: Springer More information
Pettersson, L., Widell, L., Sjölander, P. (2011). Do startups in the agricultural sector generate employment in the rest of the economy?: An arellano-bond dynamic panel study. In: Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Hans Westlund, Hayeong Jeong (Ed.), Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas Vol. 6 (pp. 255 -273). More information
Klaesson, J., Pettersson, L. (2009). Urban-Rural Development in Sweden. In: Charlie Karlsson, Roger Stough, Paul Cheshire & Åke Andersson (Ed.), New Directions in Regional Economic DevelopmentMore information
Klaesson, J., Pettersson, L. (2006). Local and Regional ICT Service Sector Markets in Sweden. In: Johansson, B., Karlsson, C. & Stought, R.R. (Ed.), The Emerging Digital Economy: Entrepreneurship, Clusters and PolicyMore information


Wixe, S., Pettersson, L. (2016). Segregation and individual employment: A longitudinal study of neighborhood effects. 19th Uddevalla Symposium on "Geography, Open Innovation, Diversity and Entrepreneurship", London, United Kingdom, during 30th June – 2nd July, 2016. More information
Wixe, S., Pettersson, L. (2013). The impact of ethnicity and segregation on labor market outcomes. ERSA 53rd Congress, "Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy", 27-31 August 2013, Palermo, Italy. More information
Klaesson, J., Pettersson, L. (2005). External Economies and Local Milk Districts – Implications for the Location Pattern of Dairy Farms. ERSA 53rd Congress, "Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy", 27-31 August 2013, Palermo, Italy. More information
Klaesson, J., Pettersson, L. (2004). Market Size and Dynamics of the Retail Service Industry: An Exploratory Study of the Swedish Experience During the 1990s. ERSA 53rd Congress, "Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy", 27-31 August 2013, Palermo, Italy. More information
Klaesson, J., Pettersson, L. (2004). Agglomeration and Economic Growth: Does geographical concentration cause growth or vice versa?. ERSA 53rd Congress, "Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy", 27-31 August 2013, Palermo, Italy. More information
Klaesson, J., Pettersson, L. (2003). Spatial Dynamics of ICT Service Sectors in Sweden: A Probability-Accessibility Approach. ERSA 53rd Congress, "Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy", 27-31 August 2013, Palermo, Italy. More information
Klaesson, J., Pettersson, L. (2002). Regional Dynamics of Service Markets in Sweden: A Probability Approach Exploring the Presence of Consumer Services. ERSA 53rd Congress, "Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy", 27-31 August 2013, Palermo, Italy. More information
Klaesson, J., Pettersson, L. (2001). Regional Development: The importance of Production and Consumption Milieu. ERSA 53rd Congress, "Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy", 27-31 August 2013, Palermo, Italy. More information


Wixe, S., Pettersson, L. . Segregation and individual employment: A longitudinal study of neighborhood effects. More information


Johansson, S., Pettersson, L. (2014). Small-scale food production and location of gourmet restaurants in rural Sweden. Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology More information
Bjerke, L., Johansson, S., Pettersson, L. (2012). Arbete och liv på landsbygden: Landsbygdens förutsättningar i kunskapsekonomin. Jönköping: Jordbruksverket More information
Karlsson, C., Pettersson, L. (2005). Regional Productivity and Accessibility to Knowledge and Dense Markets. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information
Borg, H., Klaesson, J., Johansson, B., Karlsson, C., Pettersson, L. (2003). Regional utveckling och attraktionskraft i Norra Bohuslän: en ekonomisk analys av grunder för tillväxt i kommunerna Munkedal, Sotenäs, Strömstad och Tanum. Jönköping: Institutet för näringslivsanalys, Internationella Handelshögskolan i Jönköping More information
Klaesson, J., Pettersson, L. (2003). Effekter av en förbättrad Europaväg 6 i Norra Bohuslän: en ekonomisk analys av potentiella och förväntade effekter med avseende på tillgänglighet till befolkning, arbetsplatser, arbetskraft och köpkraft i kommunerna Munkedal, Sotenäs, Strömstad och Tanum. Jönköping: Institutet för näringslivsanalys, Internationella Handelshögskolan i Jönköping More information
Klaesson, J., Pettersson, L. (2002). Effekter av en förbättrad transportkorridor mellan Jönköping och Nässjö. More information


(2007). European Metropolitan Housing Markets. Berlin: Springer Verlag More information