
LaTeX:Overleaf like Microsoft Word but better

25 March 2024 - 25 March 2024

12:15 - 13:00


25 March 2024 - 25 March 2024
12:15 - 13:00



LaTeX:Overleaf like Microsoft Word but better

Developed by a mathematician of MIT in the 1980s, the platform Overleaf is designed to make your writing experience easier when it gets difficult. No complicated Macros, formula functions or document formatting. Just start writing and the program does formatting for you! Perfect for those stuck in writing tasks, those lazy and those with complicated courses.

Get inspired on how to write math functions and graphs like normal text and don't care about formatting anymore.

The programme is used by business, industry and academia worldwide. Even many JU professors use it daily.

But we students at JU learn about it way too late. Let's change that and make our lifes a little easier. Everyone can use a complementary alternative to Word.

"About the speaker":
Lion Brenker is a student at JU studying International Economics (IE) at JIBS, teach as a Teacher Assistant in Macroeconomic Principles and got in touch with the program Overlaf on his exchange semester in Singapore. Lion says,  "I don't know much but I know how to get started with Overleaf. And I would love to share that knowledge to all other students at JU, looking to ease their studies in mathematics"

The lecture is held by Lion, but in cooperation with Career Center who will offer you a free lunch if you sign up before March 18th. If you register after, you are more than welcome to join, but lunch can not be guaranteed!

When: Monday March 25th 12.15-1 pm in B3051, Jönköping International Business School.

Registration at Jobteaser!

Organizer: Career Center
Last updated: 2024-02-27 12:07